[s-cars] 1993 S4 miss firing
chris chambers
fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 14 16:21:10 EST 2006
try cleaning your MAF cable's connector with electrical contact
It can casue teh same symptom as a bad maf causing the ECU to sense
overboost and shut off the fuel pump.
--- Kevin Barnett <bluevr6 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> It's contagious.
> I have the stuttering (shuddering) above 3000 rpm, but
> not the sharp cutout at lower revs.
> Haven't found a solution yet.
> So far:
> Tested (with known good parts):
> PSO's
> Coils
> Computer
> Replaced:
> Spark plugs
> Cam position sensor (while I was doing timing belt)
> By-pass valve
> Oxygen Sensor
> Checked:
> Wiring for coils
> Boost leak
> Tonight, went back to basics and started all over,
> replaced coil rack with previously used (supposedly,
> good) rack with my spark plug boots. Pulled fuse on
> computer toi reset.
> Left out of neighborhood and drove easily till car
> warmed up (oil and water). Came to red light. On
> green, rolled onto throttle (to full throtle) in first
> thru third. It was my old car again. Lifted and went
> to fifth. Turned off onto back road to my neighborhood
> and all was good for another mile (hammering in second
> and third on curvy road). Road straighten out and
> BAM!, it missed like a coil failed. Hhhmmm.
> Eased off and down shifted and started accelerating
> hard again in second. My missing under boost is
> back....
> Bad coil on two seperate coil racks?
> Bad plug boot?
> Thanks,
> Kevin
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