[s-cars] Parts sources and prices - online vs. local

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 16 10:01:19 EST 2006


I normally call my stealer, flasp and then germanautoparts.com aka
adirondack auto parts 1-877-443-7626.

Sometimes it doesnt' pay to orderit, most times I get it cheaper by
ordering it from adorondak. Example, clutch kit (same kit) from flaps
was $565, from adirondack it was $365.

When I replaced the spark plug connectors dealer & flaps both wanted
$25 EACH and adirondack was selling them for $5 each.

It's hit or miss but usually ordering it from adirondack saves me a
significant amount of money.


--- Ian Duff <iduff at comcast.net> wrote:

> Here's an odd question: I've been catching up on some deferred
> maintenance
> on my S6, and have been buying dealer-only OEM parts lately. After
> looking
> at Impex www.worldimpex.com as representative of online parts prices,
> I've
> been calling the local stealer to see price and availability locally.
> In
> most cases I've been very pleasantly surprised to find that the part
> from
> the stealer is price competitive, never mind the shipping I'd have to
> pay on
> the Internet-sourced part. In most cases, the part is even available,
> eliminating the delay waiting for UPS.
> Is Impex not representative? Are there online parts places that have
> dealer-only parts for significantly less? Or did Audi finally figure
> out
> that the local dealers are losing out to online parts places, and
> leveled
> the playing field?
> -Ian Duff.
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