[s-cars] Garret 3071 install update - new question

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 21 09:26:04 EST 2006


background info, I replaced my dead turbo with a garrett 3071 from 
034motorsport, complete with new lines and silicone MAF/turbo hose.

3071 garret turbo
silicone maf/turbo hose
RS2 Fuel injectors
RS2 Exhaust manifold
RS2 ecu code from Pastore
Vmap in ECU set at 3.0
Samco boost hoses
Stock wastegate spring
92 octane premium gas in tank

I was getting alot of pinging, based on the sage advice of our own 
Dave Dawson I switched from the 1.9 bar wastegate spring back to the
stock one and the pinging is gone.


Tech installed a boost gauge during test drive and he said it
was reading 8 lbs of boost. Correct me if I'm wrong but
isn't that too low?

So I've decided I need to buy a dedicated boost gauge, and I need
to find out if it is in fact not boosting as high as it should.
There are no boost hose leaks, what else could keep it from
boosting as high as it should? 

Any input is greatly appreciatted!


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