[s-cars] Garret 3071 install update - new question

Emre Washburn yumyjager at gmail.com
Tue Mar 21 09:33:30 EST 2006

Are you sure it's ping? It sounds like it's a misfire. Ping is usually
a side effect of overboost.

And yes, you should definitely have a dedicated boost gauge. IMO, even
cars with mild chipsets should have a boost gauges. At your level, you
should have  boost, air/fuel mixture, as well as exhaust gas
temperature gauges.

92 //S4
90 Cq
40 valves 'O plenty!

On 3/21/06, chris chambers <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Gentz,
> background info, I replaced my dead turbo with a garrett 3071 from
> 034motorsport, complete with new lines and silicone MAF/turbo hose.
> 3071 garret turbo
> silicone maf/turbo hose
> RS2 Fuel injectors
> RS2 Exhaust manifold
> RS2 ecu code from Pastore
> Vmap in ECU set at 3.0
> Samco boost hoses
> Stock wastegate spring
> 92 octane premium gas in tank
> I was getting alot of pinging, based on the sage advice of our own
> Dave Dawson I switched from the 1.9 bar wastegate spring back to the
> stock one and the pinging is gone.
> Tech installed a boost gauge during test drive and he said it
> was reading 8 lbs of boost. Correct me if I'm wrong but
> isn't that too low?
> So I've decided I need to buy a dedicated boost gauge, and I need
> to find out if it is in fact not boosting as high as it should.
> There are no boost hose leaks, what else could keep it from
> boosting as high as it should?
> Any input is greatly appreciatted!
> Thanks
> Chris
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