[s-cars] Fried my turbo

Jerry Scott jerryscott at wispertel.net
Mon May 15 10:21:04 EDT 2006

There are several companies that rebuild turbos around the country. This 
should be cheaper than a new unit.  Someone pipe in with the names.

pkrasusky at ups.com wrote:

>Mark fried:
><<<Date: Sat, 13 May 2006 22:53:32 -0400
>From: Marc Gorelick <marc at frogville.net>
>Subject: [s-cars] Fried my turbo
>I was on the throttle pretty hard trying to pass someone in a merge lane
>when I felt the car lurch and suddenly I had no boost. Quickly I thought
>through my list of common UrS failures and hoped that the problem was 
>simply the hose popping off the connector on the ECU, a simple and free 
>fix to the problem...................
>Patient is a '93 with ~169k miles,  MTM+1 and 1.9 bar WG spring.
>Anyone have a spare stock 'charger sitting around after an RS2 upgrade? 
>If so...let me know before I have to buy new. I am, for the moment, too 
>poor  for the slippery slope so no RS2 upgrades for me yet. :-(
>Marc in Detroit with the unpimped //S4>>>
>D'oh.  Sorry to hear that Marc.  
>I keep silently wundrin when that day (and under exactly that
>circumstance) just might sneak up on me and bite me in the arse - 159k
>now on my commuter '95.  Hope not soon, but, I'd be in same boat as you
>with these things at this point.  Slap on a lightly used spare K24 and
>call it a day.
>You better not be List-Contagious, as things are know to be.  No tanks.
>Good luck, and, sorry, I don't have or know of any K24s around - and if
>I did I'd likely selfishly hoard me source 8-).
>-Paul again no tanks K.
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