[s-cars] Time for fans and horns

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Thu May 18 10:21:19 EDT 2006

Bill writes:

> Also; since last week for about three miles I was stuck behind a 
> Buick,
> right lane, and a siding truck, left lane, I am thinking the 
> infamous Steble
> horn is no longer sufficient.

Here ya go:


I think there's a picture of Paulie's installation on one of the 
pages :)

> For many years I could not understand how someone in the left 
> land could
> just travel in tandem with the car next to it, when my wife of 
> all people
> explained that in their minds they ARE doing the speed limit and 
> can settle
> into whatever lane they want.  D'oh butofcourse!

There's a well known pack mentality that causes this. I was just 
commenting to my 15YO son about this last week, warning him that 
the accidents happen in these packs and to stay away from them...


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