[s-cars] Black Gold, Texas Tea, Oil That Is

djdawson2 at aol.com djdawson2 at aol.com
Sat Nov 4 12:01:45 EST 2006

I'll go one more round on this dead horse...
Current oil specs are more and more being driven by issues not related to engine performance.  In order to meet emissions and fuel mileage requirements, motor oil is being targeted to solve some of these problems.  Oils with less phosphorus are required to improve catalytic converter performance.  Extremely lightweight oils are being developed to improve fuel economy, and reduce oil consumption.  Neither of these 2 goals are likely to be goals we share in the "which oil is best" discussion... as I would bet the preponderance of folks are looking for long engine life.  Auto manufacturers are driving these specs, with an eventual goal being a 100,000 mile service interval.  Does this sound like the S-car crowd's goal?  Doesn't to me.
So... if you're willing to take into account that VW specs include these goals (a trade for performance vs. emissions and oil consumption), knock yourself out.
Further... the full line of Shell Helix products DO meet all VW specs.  Keeping in mind that these are oils manufactured for distribution in Europe, they simply have a different brand name.  Look at the spec sheets and the MSDS info, and you'll find they are the same thing... a heavy duty 5-40 synthetic marketed under 2 different names.
Bottom line... ALL of the Shell Rotella and Helix oils meet the exact same API spec... SL.  To say that the Rotella isn't up to par with the VW spec when they meet the same API criteria is not accurate... it likely was never applied for here in the US under the Rotella brand name.
Finally, Rotella carries the following specs and has applied for and received the following manufacturers recommendations:
API CI-4 PLUS, CI-4, CH-4, CG-4, CF-4, CF 
Cummins CES 20078, 20076, 20071 
Detroit Diesel 7SE 270 
Mack EO-N Premium Plus ’03, EO-N, EO-M Plus 
Volvo VDS 2
If you take the Cummins, Detroit, Mack, and Volvo manufacturers into account, you are talking about manufacturers that easily travel more miles worldwide than any other 10 combined.  I'll take that over a spec developed by VW any day, thanks.
Rotella is not a synthetic based oil, as you state.  It is a full synthetic.
If you want to pay a premium for oils manufactured and sold in European market, help yourself.  What you're getting for this extra money is essentially a shipping charge.  IMO, you are the equivalent of a Mustang owner in Germany who is importing some Valvoline because Elf isn't specified by Ford USA, and never will be.
Anyway... that's it for me on the latest round of "which oil?"
-----Original Message-----
From: ezveedub at hotmail.com
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Sent: Sat, 4 Nov 2006 7:30 AM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Black Gold, Texas Tea, Oil That Is

Hey guys, for all that run Rotella T 5w40, try not to associate it with the 
VW spec 502.00, which it does not meet. In the US we use 2 VW spec oils 
502.00 & 505.01 oils. The Mobil 1 0W40 oil and Castrol 5W40 oil meet the 
502.00 spec and can be found almost everywhere. Yes, the Rotella is about 
the cheapest synthetic based oil you'll find, BUT, if your trying to use VW 
spec approved oil, that it is not. I can proved a list of approved VW spec'd 
oils if anyone needs it. Its a worldwide list of all oil brands. As for 
505.01 oil, only the RS6 and Pumpe Duse diesels required this oil by factory 
standard. If I where after a HD synthetic oil for turbo use, I recommend the 
Castrol 5W40 505.01 VW spec oil for a modified S4/6 engine.

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