[s-cars] S-CAR-List Digest, Vol 37, Issue 43

Mario Tremblay mariotrem at videotron.ca
Wed Nov 15 03:29:29 EST 2006

i definitely would be interested in anything lighter that doesn't rust 
to put on the car... ;)

i also know there's a "hood"  people wanted produced on s-cars.org ... 
but my guess is they still didt go forward by lack of molds ...  because 
there's already a list of at least 10 people for urs4 hoods "prepaid" 
part of the amount .. and also 9 people for urs6 hood..

if you prove your stuff to be top notch quality.. i don't know why i 
would bother with shipping :D

for the price.. i suggest you calculate your cost price, then your time 
.... and make a price outta that... then for shipping will depends on 
the living places of people ordering ?

s-car-list-request at audifans.com wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
>    1.  carbon fiber attachments - good message last one sent
>       prematurely (johnny sack)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2006 19:43:23 -0500
> From: "johnny sack" <toight at gmail.com>
> Subject: [s-cars] carbon fiber attachments - good message last one
> 	sent	prematurely
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Message-ID:
> 	<17edc7560611021643r4ee30476l5a1f741d017d204c at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> hey guys,
> i just bumped into an old buddy of mine and It turns out he has a carbon
> fiber production facility.
> he is using this new technique developed by nasa where the resin is already
> throughout the weave....
> it is seamless and done on inflatable bags and balloons.
> i asked him a bunch of questions about strength durability and fading as
> most carbon fiber pieces with too much resin tend to turn a diff color and
> change.
> anyways long story short i am contemplating having some carbon fiber pieces
> made.
> i am curious to know how many people would be interested in the following
> three pieces.
> 1) plastic on top of fuel rail, identical replacement in carbon fiber
> 2) plastic area behind the throttle body that covers relays and other stuff
> 3) air box plate that always cracks.
> the initial molds are the most costly parts.
> i have seen his recent work with ducati gas tanks and am beyond impressed.
> i am trying to figure out a price for the 3 pieces, because i think it will
> look amazing and be way more durable that the plastic pieces that i seem to
> keep cracking or breaking.
> if anyone is interested please let me know,
> based on what the interest might be.......i can then figure out way to price
> the initial development.
> i am curious as well what people would expect to pay for these  pieces o
> real carbon fiber.
> i am also toying around with other parts...i would love to hear some
> suggestions...
> he told me he can do fenders no problem as well, however i am assuming
> shipping costs will make it fairly costly.
> anyways i am exited about this potential project and curious to hear
> response
> bets regards,
> kranz
> -----------------------------------------
> 92 euro spec s4
> 95 silver s6
> 95 green on jaccard cloth s6 (i of a kind north american car)
> 67 lincoln continental on air ride
> 1972 checy blazer k/5 convertible
> 1986 golf rally car (really a 2 grand crap can that we fly around the
> country in)
> www.audiportal.com
> co-founder
> ------------------------------
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> End of S-CAR-List Digest, Vol 37, Issue 43
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