[s-cars] [urq] NAAC social meet up (Framingham, MA) tomorrow (11/14)
Brett Dikeman
brett at cloud9.net
Wed Nov 15 13:54:58 EST 2006
On Nov 15, 2006, at 7:38 AM, Peter Sinkevich wrote:
> Is there anything that can be done regarding the timing of these?
> I have no
> clue if it has been discussed but honestly they seem to always
> occur on a
> day in the middle of the week, which prohibits me (and I am sure
> others) who
> would like to attend and play an active role in things. I live
> just far
> enough out of reach (lower Fairfield county CT) to make a drive
> like this
> and get there on time and then think about a drive back very late
> at night.
> Can we begin a discussion regarding this please?
The chapter has planned the monthly dinners for weekdays in the past
as I think consensus on the board was that a lot of folks would want
to save Friday/weekend nights for stuff higher up the priority scale
than "car club" :-) We do have an occasional weekend event- a week
ago there was a DIY repair day hosted by Klaus Euromotive up in NH,
for example. However, I'll forward your email to Rachel Fath, who
heads up the chapter's social events efforts.
I -believe- the January dinner will be the night of our first Winter
Driving School, as Rachel said she's been getting feedback that we
need to do more events further up North (our "region" is ME, MA, NH,
and RI.) I know that's even worse for you, coming up from
CT...sorry! Want to come to the WDS? :-)
Any Audi enthusiast/friend or ACNA member is more than welcome at
many of the events we hold (some require ACNA membership, but they
usually say so). However, If you'd like to get involved with the
ACNA and bring more events to your area, the best people to talk to
about that would be your "home" chapter, the NEQ- which comprises CT,
NY, and VT. I believe a couple of their board members/officers are
from CT and if things haven't changed the last few years there are a
LOT of members all through CT, so you might find some interest. The
CTNYNJ enthusiast group might still meet up occasionally too; haven't
lived in the area for quite some time so I can't tell you for certain.
If you'd like to keep up to date on North Atlantic chapter events,
the best way to do that is to either keep an eye on the website
(www.naaclub.org) or sign up for the "announce" mailing list. We
also have a "discuss" list which is the perfect place for your
question/request to talk about future meetings. Both can be joined
by emailing listname-subscribe at lists.naaclub.org. Both are very low
traffic as well- announce probably averages less than a post a week,
for example.
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