[s-cars] Auto Check System & door/lights chime

Robert Rossato bob.rossato_af at cox.net
Fri Nov 17 07:20:47 EST 2006

Thanks Stott.  Seems to confirm that the Auto Check system and door
chime are tied to the same speaker.  I thought there was a separate
relay with a speaker for the door chime.  Maybe that's the seatbelt one?
I know there's something back there behind the IC.

Fred - Any luck finding a suitable speaker?

At least I have a spare S6 IC that I can cannibalize, assuming that one
has a working speaker.


P.S. Not sure why your messages aren't getting through to the list.  May
want to unsub and resub.  Seems to fix things sometimes.  Though I tried
to send my original message yesterday and it got bounced back as spam.
Had to send from my old account.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stott Hare [mailto:stott at gwi.net] 
> Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 1:35 PM
> To: S-Car-List
> Cc: r0ssat0_987 at att.net
> Subject: [Fwd: RE: [s-cars] S6 instrument cluster - dead buzzer]
> Bob,
> A few of us have had this issue.  To date I think that Fred 
> and I were the only ones actively chasing a solution.  What I 
> ended going with was a 4ohm speaker from radio shack 
> (#273-092) which was a drop in replacement in size, but had 
> insulated wire leads instead of two long pins and was of the 
> wrong ohmage.  Easy enough to strip an solder in the wires, 
> but because the rat shack speaker was rated at half the ohms, 
> it is half as loud as the stock buzzer.
> Fred was chasing an 8 ohm speaker, but it was going to 
> require more custom mounting.  I'm not sure where he ended up 
> with his end of the experiment.
> Below is the thread of information which will have more 
> details.  I do have pics available if you haven't ripped out 
> your instrument cluster and taken it apart yet.
> Stott Hare
> 95 S6A (whadda mean the speaker doesn't work after 240k miles 
> and 11 years.... it wasn't made by Bose!)
> -------- Original Message -------- Subject: RE: [s-cars] S6 
> instrument cluster - dead buzzer
> Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 22:30:03 -0400
> From: Fred Munro <munrof at sympatico.ca>
> To: Stott Hare <stott at gwi.net>
> Hi Stott;
> What I'm looking at is a speaker from DigiKey P/N# 
> GCO351P-1-ND. It's a 4 ohm speaker, oblong in shape 16mm x 
> 35mm and 7mm thick. Depending on the clearance, it might fit 
> in there. It's actually a notebook speaker. Costs ~$6 Canadian.
> Fred
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stott Hare [mailto:stott at gwi.net]
> Sent: October 16, 2006 11:04 AM
> To: Fred Munro
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] S6 instrument cluster - dead buzzer
> Any further information on this front?  And for posterity, 
> the Radio Shack speaker I used was #273-092.
> -Stott
> Fred Munro wrote: 
> Hi Stott;
> Can you send me a photo of the speaker? I've found a source 
> for 4 ohm speakers in this size range; just want to take a 
> look at the photo to see what the original looks like.
> What was involved in removing the white cover from the back 
> of the IP? I took a quick look at mine when I had it out to 
> replace bulbs - looked like the instruments may have to come 
> out. I couldn't tell how the cover was mounted to the board; 
> whether it was clipped in or screwed in from the back.
> Thanks!
> Fred
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stott Hare [mailto:stott at gwi.net]
> Sent: October 6, 2006 2:40 PM
> To: Fred Munro
> Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] S6 instrument cluster - dead buzzer
> I haven't seen any of my replies make it to the list, but at 
> least you will have this Fred.
> The specs on the OEM dead speaker were thus:
> 29mm diameter 
> 6mm tall 
> (2) 13mm pc-mount pins on the lower rim, spaced 5mm apart 
> 4 Ohm 
> I talked with several electronic suppliers and came up empty. 
>  Everyone seemed to indicate that a 4 Ohm speaker would be a 
> special order ( you know the type, requiring an order of 5000 
> units etc).  I did manage to find a stray mini-speaker with 
> the correct 29x6mm dimensions, but with wired leads and at 8 
> Ohm.  The sales person indicated that was a fluke, they were 
> supposed to have returned all those items and weren't 
> supposed to be carrying them any longer.
> I installed this last night.  Barring any markings on the 
> original speaker or the instrument cluster circuit board 
> indicating positive/negative leads, I installed this with the 
> positive lead from the speaker going to the circuit trace 
> connecting with a nearby capacitor.  If I remember correctly, 
> the worst thing that could happen there would be the speaker 
> ending up out of phase.  Big whoop in this application.  The 
> downside from using an 8 ohm speaker vs a 4 ohm is the volume 
> level.  Twice the resistance, drawing half the current it use 
> to, and ending up much quieter.  It's enough to let you know 
> you left the keys in the ignition or lights on, but I 
> wouldn't trust hearing the warning sound driving down the 
> road with radio up or windows down.  But replacing the 
> speaker did resolve the initial issue of no noise at all.
> Of course I left my Radio Shack part number at home.  I can 
> send this along as well if anyone wants it.  ~$2 for their speaker.
> For reference, one alternative supplier that was helpful was 
> International Components Corporation (www.icc107.com).  They 
> sent me two samples they thought might be close, (S100RMF-PCR 
> and S125RL-M).  Neither however was a drop in fit to the OEM 
> speaker mount as the Radio Shack part was (the first being 
> smaller with the PC mount leads too far inboard, and the 
> latter being too large in diameter and without wires what-so-ever)
> I do have pictures available should anyone want them.
> -Stott Hare
> 95 S6A (now beeping away quietly)
> Fred Munro wrote: 
> Hi Stott;
> I also have this problem but haven't dug into it yet. I was 
> waiting for you
> to do the legwork! :) My guess is that the chime from the S4 
> might work if
> you remove it from the double length relay housing it's 
> mounted in. That was
> going to be my Plan A anyway.
> Fred Munro
> '94 S4
> '97 S6
> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Stott Hare
> Sent: October 2, 2006 12:03 PM
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: [s-cars] S6 instrument cluster - dead buzzer
> So if I recall correctly, Bob Myers had this problem a while 
> back with a
> dead buzzer, as did a few others (myself included).  I finally got
> bored/curious, so I pulled out the IC this weekend, 
> disassembling it and
> removing the offending buzzer.  I'm curious if anyone has found an
> acceptable replacement for this speaker/buzzer yet?
>  I've dropped it off at my local electronic whiz parts 
> supplier in hopes
> they can locate a suitable replacement.  The speaker I 
> removed was (from
> memory) about 27mm in diameter, 7mm thick with 2 long (~15mm pins)
> leads.  The leads were soldered to a small pad, which appears to have
> been epoxied to the rear of the buzzer.  The pad was loose, and there
> were no visible wiring leads to the speaker, so I'm guessing an
> inductive device.  The speaker clipped into a plastic housing, which
> clipped into the IC circuit board, and the two leads, after passing
> through the housing and the circuit board, were soldered to 
> the circuit
> board behind the fuel gauge.  The only identification mark 
> was a screen
> printed number 4 on the speaker magnet, nothing really indicating a
> manufacturer or a part number.
> I'll post up if I find a replacement, but I'm really curious if anyone
> else has already done this legwork.
> Thanks!
> Stott Hare
> 95 S6A
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