[s-cars] IR Remote.
Paul DAnneo
padanneo at sbcglobal.net
Tue Nov 21 13:26:33 EST 2006
Hi There,
All this talk with remotes and locking systems has made me want to get mine working again. '93 S4.
I only have 1 IR remote and it doesn't work. I've replaced the batteries, followed the procedures in my owners manual and no success. The local Radio Shock has a IR tester (for tv remotes), not quite sure if it would even work, and it didn't.
I am insearch of other remotes. The stealer of course is $189.00.
Any other sources out there?
Any mods? I did read of someone rewiring for RF(?) in the archives. I'd prefer not to chance me butchering wiring and starting a fire. (I COULD DO IT).
As usual,
P.S. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
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