[s-cars] Be thankful for what you have (VLAC)

Robert Myers bob at chips-ur-s.com
Wed Nov 22 16:35:04 EST 2006

Hi Y'all,

Just got back from my annual deer hunting trip.  My wife greeted me 
with the news.  A neighbor and friend caught a virus, got dizzy from 
it, fell on her neck and is now a quadriplegic.  Another friend was 
taken to the ER and, after being transferred to a major hospital, has 
been diagnosed with bone cancer which has metastasized to her 
heart.  She is given two months.  Another very close friend was found 
to have a brain tumor about 5 months ago.  She underwent gamma ray 
surgery for the tumor.  The surgeons says the surgery was successful 
but she is still having spells of dizziness and is getting more MRI 
evaluations.  Meanwhile she is caring for her senile mother and her 
semi-invalid husband.

No matter how aggravated we get at our Audis or how pleased we get 
when something goes right remember that she's just a car and there 
are a lot of other more important things out there.  Be thankful for 
what you have.

urS6 with RS2 and other mods for sale: http://chips-ur-s.com/S6.html

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