[s-cars] (no subject)

FvAMI at aol.com FvAMI at aol.com
Sun Oct 1 20:47:12 EDT 2006

In a message dated 9/29/06 11:40:23 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
mrivera at webcats.net writes:

> 4.  I've found conflicting info on the stock boost level and how much the 
> ECU will allow, boost wise, before it steps in and takes control.  Can someone 
> set me straight?

Of the top of my head.

About 2.1 bar Absolute = 1.1 bar boost in overboost mode @ sea level and 80 
degrees F. (less when it is cooler outside).

The Bentley manual will give you the breakdown for elevation and temperature.

Best regards,
Feico van der Laan

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