October 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Oct 1 04:13:40 EDT 2006
Ending: Tue Oct 31 23:08:24 EST 2006
Messages: 802
- [s-cars] FW: Exhaust Manifold?
James Murray (QB/EMC)
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
James Murray (QB/EMC)
- No subject
- No subject
- [s-cars] urS4 trans additive?
cody at 5000tq.com
- [s-cars] Need info on a custom S6 steering wheel... Anyone???
Brian Armstead
- [s-cars] Couple rookie urS4 questions
Brian Armstead
- [s-cars] Brutal Review of the New S6
Brian Armstead
- [s-cars] 93 S4 Aux h20 pump
Rich Assarabowski
- [s-cars] 200k km what now?
Rich Assarabowski
- [s-cars] CPS
Martin Baggenstos
- [s-cars] hood latch
Martin Baggenstos
- [s-cars] For those with teh 1.8t coil conversion, I am looking for some good urS coils for some testing...
Kevin Barnett
- [s-cars] As several folks had asked my to update them with my findings on the WOT ignition miss on my urS4...
Kevin Barnett
- [s-cars] New-to-me '92 S4
Wylie Bean
- [s-cars] Engineering 101, was re:broken bbk bracket
Wylie Bean
- [s-cars] New-to-me '92 S4
Andrew Beckert
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Andrew Beckert
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
Abe Berman
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
Abe Berman
- [s-cars] SOURCE needed for 45or47 high Z , bosch or siemens
Michael Bess
- [s-cars] urS4 trans additive?
Michael Bess
- [s-cars] 6 speed installation
Michael Bess
- [s-cars] Free '92 S4 front brake stuff
Dave Brady
- [s-cars] Free '92 S4 front brake stuff revisited
Dave Brady
- [s-cars] Free '92 S4 front brake stuff revisited: SPOKEN FOR
Dave Brady
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
Kneale Brownson
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
Kneale Brownson
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
Kneale Brownson
- [s-cars] urS4 trans additive?
Kneale Brownson
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
Andrew Buc
- [s-cars] Online fraud (car related, delete if you're not interested)
Andrew Buc
- [s-cars] galvanic corrosion resulting in loose lug nuts: BS or not?
David Cahill
- [s-cars] Windshield Wiper Question
David Cahill
- [s-cars] Carfax?
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] GT2871 is in!
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] Carfax help please?
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] Can anyone run a VIN for me?
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] Anyone heard from Bob Myers???
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] Carfax Anybody?
Gabriel Caldwell
- [s-cars] GT2871 installation
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] Cold start issue, brake fade
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] Semi RS2'd
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] Boost leak found! Help with part # ?
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] Cold start issue, brake fade
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] Boost leak found! Help with part # ?
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] Oil Pressure Sender Failure
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] Oil Pressure Sender Failure
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] SOURCE needed for 45or47 high Z , bosch or siemens
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] GT2871 is in!
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] GT2871 is in!
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] GT2871 is in!
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] S-Cars Constipation (was Re: Winter floor mats)
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] New-to-me '92 S4
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] Fwd: go pedal broken
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] A tiny noticeable wooosh! when letting up on the throttle...
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] Brutal Review of the New S6
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] Brutal Review of the New S6
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] Brutal Review of the New S6
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] General question - appropriate unloaded battery voltage
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] Engine Coolant Flushing Procedure when switching to G12
Theodore Chen
- [s-cars] Faint Knocking
Mike Claire
- [s-cars] Stromung in the rain
Mike Claire
- [s-cars] Creaking Bilstein/Eibach/2Bennett set-up
Mike Claire
- [s-cars] Creaking Bilstein/Eibach/2Bennett set-up
Mike Claire
- [s-cars] Pump to Accumulator Brake J-Hose
Mike Claire
- [s-cars] Stromung in the rain
Chad Clark
- [s-cars] FS: 95.5 S6 Avant, Green on Black (far from stock!)
Sam Clarkson
- [s-cars] 200k km what now?
Sam Clarkson
- [s-cars] DIY Oil Change Question
Lewis Consulting
- [s-cars] DIY Oil Change Question
Lewis Consulting
- [s-cars] DIY Oil Change Question
Lewis Consulting
- [s-cars] DIY Oil Change Question
Lewis Consulting
- [s-cars] DIY Oil Change Question
Lewis Consulting
- [s-cars] Growl on steering when turning from in reverse
Lewis Consulting
- [s-cars] Anyone towing with their urS4/S6?
Dwayne Cosby
- [s-cars] Need info on a custom S6 steering wheel... Anyone???
Levent Cur
- [s-cars] Remote not opening - help please!
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Get the new V10 S8 now...
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Spare S6 Euro headlight lense anyone?
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Brutal Review of the New S6
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] Big Red part number quest.
Tony Curran
- [s-cars] NAC - whole house water filtration system
Paul D
- [s-cars] immanent coil failure/1.8t conversion
Paul DAnneo
- [s-cars] The Miss is Gone
Paul DAnneo
- [s-cars] Speaking of trans fluid
Paul DAnneo
- [s-cars] S-CAR-List Digest, Vol 36, Issue 19
Kevin Day
- [s-cars] Wet floor killed my ECU?
Kevin Day
- [s-cars] Heater Fan BTDTs?
Ivan Demkovitch
- [s-cars] S-CAR-List Digest, Vol 36, Issue 55
Ivan Demkovitch
- [s-cars] Windshield washer tube
Ivan Demkovitch
- [s-cars] Windshield washer tube
Ivan Demkovitch
- [s-cars] B5 S4 calipers on C4 S6?
Kurt Deschler
- [s-cars] S-CAR-List Digest, Vol 36, Issue 85
Kurt Deschler
- [s-cars] Brutal Review of the New S6
Kurt Deschler
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
Brett Dikeman
- [s-cars] NAAC Winter driving school 2007: side activity ideas?
Brett Dikeman
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
Brett Dikeman
- [s-cars] Online fraud (car related, delete if you're not interested)
Brett Dikeman
- [s-cars] Online fraud (car related, delete if you're not interested)
Brett Dikeman
- [s-cars] urS4 trans additive?
Brett Dikeman
- [s-cars] urS4 trans additive?
Brett Dikeman
- [s-cars] urS4 trans additive?
Brett Dikeman
- [s-cars] attention AOL users
Brett Dikeman
- [s-cars] Fwd: "Bob Postupak"
Brett Dikeman
- [s-cars] General question - appropriate unloaded battery voltage
Brett Dikeman
- [s-cars] DIY Oil Change Question
Wayne Dohnal
- [s-cars] Headlight washer/sprayer needed
Wayne Dohnal
- [s-cars] Valve cover removal
Wayne Dohnal
- [s-cars] Coolant loss in 93 S4
Gregg Dorris
- [s-cars] Coolant loss in 93 S4
Gregg Dorris
- [s-cars] DIY Oil Change Question
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] DIY Oil Change Question
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Exhaust Manifold?
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Outer CV joint replacement
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Studly Advice
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Couple rookie urS4 questions
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Couple rookie urS4 questions
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Couple rookie urS4 questions
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] front outer CV joint replacement
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Torsen Rear Diff Installation Time/Cost?
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Another S-Car Totalled
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] 2Bennett chips
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] S6 Heated Door Mirrors
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] S6 Heated Door Mirrors
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] S6 Heated Door Mirrors
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] New-to-me '92 S4
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2-Other Big Brake Info
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] Brutal Review of the New S6
Sean Douglas
- [s-cars] ECU Codes
Peter Dowker
- [s-cars] Bottom Feeder?
Peter Dowker
- [s-cars] NAAC Winter driving school 2007: side activity ideas?
Duane, Andrew
- [s-cars] Semi RS2'd
Ian Duff
- [s-cars] Wet floor killed my ECU?
Ian Duff
- [s-cars] Online fraud (car related, delete if you're not interested)
Ian Duff
- [s-cars] Recent Family Album?
Ian Duff
- [s-cars] Rotella T 5w40 cheap
Ian Duff
- [s-cars] New-to-me '92 S4
Ian Duff
- [s-cars] Second hand advice
Ian Duff
- [s-cars] Valve cover removal
Ian Duff
- [s-cars] Brutal Review of the New S6
Ian Duff
- [s-cars] Wet floor killed my ECU?
- [s-cars] Wet floor killed my ECU?
- [s-cars] Wet floor killed my ECU?
Steve Eiche
- [s-cars] S-CAR-List Digest, Vol 36, Issue 19
Douglas Fifield
- [s-cars] Stromung Install Ques.
Douglas Fifield
- [s-cars] Stromung Install Ques.
Douglas Fifield
- [s-cars] Stromung Install Ques.
Douglas Fifield
- [s-cars] Oil on MM Hose and IC
Douglas Fifield
- [s-cars] Auxiliary Water Pump / Turbocharger coolant pump
Douglas Fifield
- [s-cars] Auxiliary Water Pump / Turbocharger coolant pump
Douglas Fifield
- [s-cars] Whats the part # for a belly pan?
Mike Fitton
- [s-cars] best source for t-bolt clamps?
Mike Fitton
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
Mike Fitton
- [s-cars] Trailer hitch for 95 S6 Avant
Jim Fleischer
- [s-cars] urS4 trans additive?
John Cody Forbes
- [s-cars] urS4 trans additive?
John Cody Forbes
- [s-cars] best source for t-bolt clamps?
John Cody Forbes
- [s-cars] per vag com - list of codes
John Cody Forbes
- [s-cars] Hints for changing After-run Coolant Pump
John Cody Forbes
- [s-cars] GT 2876 vs GT3071 vs GT 3076. Differences? Pro's? Con's? Opinions?
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] DIY Oil Change Question
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] GT 2876 vs GT3071 vs GT 3076. Differences? Pro's?Con's? Opinions?
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] Fluctuating Temp Gauge
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] audi diesels - Follow-up
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] ECU Codes
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] Replace those Delphi/Lucas injectors
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] The fun is back
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] The fun is back
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] Semi RS2'd
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] immanent coil failure/1.8t conversion
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] immanent coil failure/1.8t conversion
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] 93 S4 Aux h20 pump
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] Pleasant, non-oily, surprise during a FMIC swap.
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] Whats the part # for a belly pan?
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] SOURCE needed for 45or47 high Z , bosch or siemens
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] Another S-Car Totalled
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] 1.8T coil conversion
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] Oil on MM Hose and IC
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] best source for t-bolt clamps?
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] CPS
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] Hints for changing After-run Coolant Pump
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] The C4 S-car story outline for hyperlinks to pdf'd articles.
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] Engine Coolant Flushing Procedure when switching to G12
Dave Forgie
- [s-cars] Front door amp
Bob Frizzell
- [s-cars] Whats the part # for a belly pan?
Bob Frizzell
- [s-cars] 2Bennett chips
Bob Frizzell
- [s-cars] urS4 trans additive?
Bob Frizzell
- [s-cars] My S4
Bob Frizzell
- [s-cars] Selling my S4, not!
Bob Frizzell
- [s-cars] Fw: Brutal Review of the New S6
Bob Frizzell
- [s-cars] Cold start issue, brake fade
Vincent Frégeac
- [s-cars] Anyone towing with their urS4/S6?
Vincent Frégeac
- [s-cars] Cold start issue, brake fade
Vincent Frégeac
- [s-cars] 200k km what now?
Vincent Frégeac
- [s-cars] NAC: I know it's not Friday
Vincent Frégeac
- [s-cars] I know it's not Friday
Vincent Frégeac
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
Vincent Frégeac
- [s-cars] Another Total ...
Vincent Frégeac
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
Vincent Frégeac
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
Vincent Frégeac
- [s-cars] Wiper blade lifting problems...
Vincent Frégeac
- [s-cars] Anyone towing with their urS4/S6?
Varon H. Fugman
- [s-cars] immanent coil failure/1.8t conversion
Varon H. Fugman
- [s-cars] immanent coil failure/1.8t conversion
Varon H. Fugman
- [s-cars] Oil Pressure Sender Failure
Varon H. Fugman
- [s-cars] Loud rattling HELP!
Varon H. Fugman
- [s-cars] Code 2341
Jack Gagnon
- [s-cars] Anyone towing with their urS4/S6?
Jack Gagnon
- [s-cars] Need urS4 wiring Diagram/Help
Jack Gagnon
- [s-cars] Oil Pressure Sender Failure
David Giannandrea
- [s-cars] New-to-me '92 S4
David Giannandrea
- [s-cars] steering rack rebuild
David Giannandrea
- [s-cars] steering rack rebuild
David Giannandrea
- [s-cars] per vag com - list of codes
David Giannandrea
- [s-cars] Outer CV joint replacement
Peter Golledge
- [s-cars] Declared value insurance
Marc Gorelick
- [s-cars] Windshield Wiper Question
Marc Gorelick
- [s-cars] Brake indicator light
Tom Green
- [s-cars] DIY Oil Change Question
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Seat rockin and rattling......in a bad way
Tom Green
- [s-cars] 93 S4 Aux h20 pump
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Need URS4 wiring diagram/help
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Oil Pressure Sender Failure
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Loud rattling
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Loud rattling
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Clutch Slipping?
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Gas smell when hard on throttle
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Re Another S-Car Totalled
Tom Green
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
Tom Green
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Growl on steering when turning from in reverse
Tom Green
- [s-cars] steering rack rebuild
Tom Green
- [s-cars] 92 instrument cluster into 95 S6 BTDTs?
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Fwd: go pedal broken
Tom Green
- [s-cars] General question - appropriate unloaded battery voltage
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Pump to Accumulator Brake J-Hose
Tom Green
- [s-cars] Engine Coolant Flushing Procedure when switching to G12
Tom Green
- [s-cars] What fails on the Meyle Control Arms?
Mark Hahn
- [s-cars] S6 instrument cluster - dead buzzer
Stott Hare
- [s-cars] per vag com - list of codes
Paul Heneghan
- [s-cars] galvanic corrosion resulting in loose lug nuts: BS or not?
Richard Hoffman
- [s-cars] Spartanburg Euroauto Festival
- [s-cars] Bad coil
- [s-cars] AUTO button on Climate Control
- [s-cars] Boost leak found! Help with part # ?
- [s-cars] Boost leak found! Help with part # ?
- [s-cars] Boost leak found! Help with part # ?
- [s-cars] Loud rattling HELP!
- [s-cars] Loud rattling coming from motor HELP!
- [s-cars] Loud rattling
- [s-cars] Loud rattling
- [s-cars] Winter floor mats
- [s-cars] Seat rockin and rattling.......in a bad way
- [s-cars] Another Total ...
- [s-cars] WTB: MAF to K24 Turbo
- [s-cars] 1.8T coil conversion
Dave Kase
- [s-cars] New-to-me '92 S4
Dave Kase
- [s-cars] immanent coil failure/1.8t conversion
David Kase
- [s-cars] immanent coil failure/1.8t conversion
David Kase
- [s-cars] immanent coil failure/1.8t conversion
David Kase
- [s-cars] Oil Pressure Sender Failure
David Kase
- [s-cars] Oil Pressure Sender Failure
David Kase
- [s-cars] FS: 1995.5 S6 AVANT for parts?
David Kase
- [s-cars] Online fraud (car related, delete if you're not
David Kase
- [s-cars] Coolant loss in 93 S4
David Kase
- [s-cars] LAC - *Looking* for Audi Content - Tucson
David Kase
- [s-cars] FYI - S8 on Flea Bay
David Kase
- [s-cars] Absolutely NAC but you will laugh...song lyrics
David Kase
- [s-cars] Stromung in the rain
Ed Kellock
- [s-cars] DIY Oil Change Question
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] Winter floor mats
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] Couple rookie urS4 questions
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] BMW Rear Camber
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] AUTO button on Climate Control
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] Lug Bolts
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] Online fraud (car related, delete if you're not interested)
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] Gas smell when hard on throttle?
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] Gas smell when hard on throttle
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] Door lock
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] Door lock
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] Gas smell when hard on throttle?
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] best source for t-bolt clamps?
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] New-to-me '92 S4
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] steering rack rebuild
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] What fails on the Meyle Control Arms?
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] 92 instrument cluster into 95 S6 BTDTs?
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] 92 instrument cluster into 95 S6 BTDTs?
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] 92 instrument cluster into 95 S6 BTDTs?
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2-Other Big Brake Info
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] part # request Big Blacks
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] hood latch
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] hood latch
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] aux power outlet
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] Brutal Review of the New S6
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] Windshield washer tube
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] Pump to Accumulator Brake J-Hose
Igor Kessel
- [s-cars] Semi RS2'd
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] Semi RS2'd
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] AUTO button on Climate Control
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] SOURCE needed for 45or47 high Z , bosch or siemens
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] SOURCE needed for 45or47 high Z , bosch or siemens
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] SOURCE needed for 45or47 high Z , bosch or siemens
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] Creaking Bilstein/Eibach/2Bennett set-up
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] Gas smell when hard on throttle?
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] Gas smell when hard on throttle?
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] Gas smell when hard on throttle?
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] Gas smell when hard on throttle?
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] Door lock
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] Door lock
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] Are the stock S4 wheels still a hot commodity?
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] Gas smell when hard on throttle?
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] Auto check
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] Growl on steering when turning from in reverse..
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] steering rack rebuild
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] Growl on steering when turning from in reverse
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] odd fuel smell
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] A tiny noticeable wooosh! when letting up on the throttle...
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] Steering Rack R & R
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] Bilstein sport (front)
Alvin Labonite
- [s-cars] 95 S6 hood stuck - need picture
John Lagnese
- [s-cars] GT 2876 vs GT3071 vs GT 3076. Differences?
Christopher Leal
- [s-cars] galvanic corrosion resulting in loose lug nuts: BS
Craig Lebakken
- [s-cars] General question - appropriate unloaded battery voltage
Grant Lenahan
- [s-cars] BMW Rear Camber
Evan Levine
- [s-cars] BMW Rear Camber
Evan Levine
- [s-cars] Brutal Review of the New S6
Evan Levine
- [s-cars] DIY Oil Change Question
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Storage for consumables and tools in the S6 Avant
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] FS: 95.5 S6 Avant, Green on Black (far from stock!)
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Online fraud (car related, delete if you're not interested)
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] transmission question - Audi A4
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] transmission question - Audi A4
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Please ignore my previous post
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Please ignore my previous post
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] New-to-me '92 S4
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] go pedal broken
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Selling my S4, not!
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Carfax Anybody?
Lee Levitt
- [s-cars] Growl on steering when turning from in reverse
Chris Ludlow
- [s-cars] Carfax
Keith Maddock
- [s-cars] //So(8) who's next? Muwhahahaa...
Keith Maddock
- [s-cars] //So(8) who's next? Muwhahahaa...or Missy Piggy "Lite"...
Keith Maddock
- [s-cars] FS: 95.5 S6 Avant, Green on Black (far from stock!)
Keith Maddock
- [s-cars] Torsen Rear Diff Installation Time/Cost?
Keith Maddock
- [s-cars] Bottom Feeder?
Keith Maddock
- [s-cars] FS: 95.5 S6 Avant, Green on Black (far from stock!)
Keith Maddock
- [s-cars] S6 Avant on Ebay
Keith Maddock
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Keith Maddock
- [s-cars] //So(8) who's next? Muwhahahaa...
Bill Mahoney
- [s-cars] Bottom Feeder?
Bill Mahoney
- [s-cars] Door lock
Bill Mahoney
- [s-cars] Selling my S4, not!
Bill Mahoney
- [s-cars] Brutal Review of the New S6
Bill Mahoney
- [s-cars] FS: 1995.5 S6 AVANT for parts?
R. Mair
- [s-cars] FS: 1995.5 S6 AVANT for parts?
R. Mair
- [s-cars] Windshield Wiper Question
Steve Marinello
- [s-cars] Pump to Accumulator Brake J-Hose
McCall, Randy
- [s-cars] studly advice
james McCarthy
- [s-cars] another dumb newbie S-car question...1995.5 door
Harold McComas
- [s-cars] front outer CV joint replacement
Harold McComas
- [s-cars] Engine Coolant Flushing Procedure when switching to G12
Harold McComas
- [s-cars] Storage for consumables and tools in the S6 Avant
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] Bottom Feeder?
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] Couple rookie urS4 questions
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] Wet floor killed my ECU?
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] Removing stone-guard film from headlights
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] home-made wheel bearing puller added to KB
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] home-made crank locking tool page added to KB
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] Head unit 8pin configurations/assignment
Kent McLean
- [s-cars] Exhaust Manifold?
Bruce Mendel
- [s-cars] Bottom Feeder?
Bruce Mendel
- [s-cars] Anyone looking for S8 to join a few of us?
Bruce Mendel
- [s-cars] Exhaust Manifold?
Phil Mische
- [s-cars] she's gone...
Phil Mische
- [s-cars] Declared value insurance
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Stromung in the rain
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Couple rookie urS4 questions
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Couple rookie urS4 questions
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Audi TT-S and -RS
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Couple rookie urS4 questions
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Anyone towing with their urS4/S6?
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Online fraud (car related, delete if you're not interested)
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Online fraud (car related, delete if you're not interested)
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] urS4 trans additive?
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] urS4 trans additive?
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] transmission question - Audi A4
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] urS4 trans additive?
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] B5 S4 calipers on C4 S6?
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Brutal Review of the New S6
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Brutal Review of the New S6
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Brutal Review of the New S6
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Brutal Review of the New S6
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] Windshield washer tube
Taka Mizutani
- [s-cars] SOURCE needed for 45or47 high Z , bosch or siemens
Tom Mullane
- [s-cars] SOURCE needed for 45or47 high Z , bosch or siemens
Tom Mullane
- [s-cars] SOURCE needed for 45or47 high Z , bosch or siemens
Tom Mullane
- [s-cars] SOURCE needed for 45or47 high Z , bosch or siemens
Tom Mullane
- [s-cars] Low mileage S6 for sale - East Coast
Tom Mullane
- [s-cars] S6 instrument cluster - dead buzzer
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Fluctuating Temp Gauge
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] galvanic corrosion resulting in loose lug nuts: BS or not?
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Cold start issue, brake fade
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Heater Fan BTDTs?
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Speaking of trans fluid
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Another S-Car Totalled
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] My S4
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Selling my S4, not!
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Wiper blade lifting problems...
Fred Munro
- [s-cars] Outside temp indicator
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Studly Advice
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Studly Advice
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] The fun is back
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Evolution in action and it ain't even Friday. NAC
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Anyone towing with their urS4/S6?
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] immanent coil failure/1.8t conversion
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] immanent coil failure/1.8t conversion
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Online fraud (car related, delete if you're not interested)
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Online fraud (car related, delete if you're not interested)
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Online fraud (car related, delete if you're not interested)
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] NAC, well a little AC
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Ignition switch
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] '91 200tq wrench needed in CT area...
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Second hand advice
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] Anyone heard from Bob Myers???
Robert Myers
- [s-cars] DIY Oil Change Question
- [s-cars] another dumb newbie S-car question...1995.5 door locking procedure
- [s-cars] Stromung in the rain
- [s-cars] Remote not opening - help please!
- [s-cars] Another S-Car Totalled
- [s-cars] urS4 trans additive?
- [s-cars] Rotella T 5w40 cheap
- [s-cars] Rotella T 5w40 cheap
- [s-cars] New-to-me '92 S4
- [s-cars] Removing stone-guard film from headlights
- [s-cars] Brutal Review of the New S6
- [s-cars] General question - appropriate unloaded battery voltage
- [s-cars] General question - appropriate unloaded battery voltage
- [s-cars] General question - appropriate unloaded battery voltage
- [s-cars] General question - appropriate unloaded battery voltage
- [s-cars] Stromung in the rain
Darin Nederhoff
- [s-cars] Loud rattling HELP!
Darin Nederhoff
- [s-cars] S-Cars Constipation (was Re: Winter floor mats)
Darin Nederhoff
- [s-cars] Faint Knocking
Bill Noland
- [s-cars] DIY Oil Change Question
Bill Noland
- [s-cars] Stromung in the rain - explained?
Bill Noland
- [s-cars] //So(8) who's next? or I Coulda Had A V8!
Bill Noland
- [s-cars] Bottom Feeder?
Bill Noland
- [s-cars] New-to-me '92 S4
Bill Noland
- [s-cars] SOURCE needed for 45or47 high Z , bosch or siemens injectos
Rich Palazzoli
- [s-cars] Storage for consumables and tools in the S6 Avant
Chris Palmer
- [s-cars] Bad coil
Elvis Palombizio
- [s-cars] Stromung in the rain
Elvis Palombizio
- [s-cars] stromung hangers
Elvis Palombizio
- [s-cars] Another S-Car Totalled
Rob Pecsar
- [s-cars] Audi Announces European Delivery Program
Joe Petersack
- [s-cars] Ping: Dave Kase.
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Online fraud
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] best source for t-bolt clamps?
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Wiper blade lifting problems...
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Wiper blade lifting problems...
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Wiper blade lifting problems...
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] Big Red part number quest.
Eric Phillips
- [s-cars] urS4 trans additive?
Scott Phillips
- [s-cars] GT 2876 vs GT3071 vs GT 3076. Differences? Pro's? Con's? Opinions?
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Exhaust Manifold?
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Stromung Install Ques.
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Stromung Install Ques.
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Online fraud (car related, delete if you're not interested)
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Online fraud (car related, delete if you're not interested)
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Joe Pizzimenti
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] //So(8) who's next? Muwhahahaa...
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] BMW Rear Camber
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] BMW Rear Camber
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] Oil Pressure Sender Failure
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] Oil Pressure Sender Failure
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] S6 Heated Door Mirrors
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] Carfax Anybody?
Mark Pollan
- [s-cars] Couple rookie urS4 questions
Pollock, Thomas
- [s-cars] carfax help ?
Pollock, Thomas
- [s-cars] Exhaust Manifold?
Postupack, Jeff
- [s-cars] Stromung in the rain
Postupack, Jeff
- [s-cars] //So(8) who's next? Muwhahahaa...or Missy Piggy redefined!
Postupack, Jeff
- [s-cars] Online fraud (car related, delete if you're not
Postupack, Jeff
- [s-cars] Replace those Delphi/Lucas injectors
Brian Powell
- [s-cars] Another S-Car Totalled
Brian Powell
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
Huw Powell
- [s-cars] Winter floor mats
Huw Powell
- [s-cars] Cincinnati & Dayton Salvage Yards
Huw Powell
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
Huw Powell
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
Huw Powell
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
Huw Powell
- [s-cars] General question - appropriate unloaded battery voltage
Huw Powell
- [s-cars] General question - appropriate unloaded battery voltage
Huw Powell
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] //So(8) who's next? Muwhahahaa...
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] Stromung in the rain
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] //So(8) who's next? Muwhahahaa...or Missy Piggy "Lite"...
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] Boost leak found! Help with part # ?
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] Whats the part # for a belly pan?
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] Creaking Bilstein/Eibach/2Bennett set-up
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] Creaking Bilstein/Eibach/2Bennett set-up
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] Gas smell when hard on throttle
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] S-Cars Constipation (was Re: Winter floor mats)
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] S-Cars Constipation (was Re: Winter floor mats)
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] Brutal Review of the New S6
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] General question - appropriate unloaded battery voltage
Steve Powers
- [s-cars] Head unit 8pin configurations/assignment
- [s-cars] Winter floor mats
Premiere Investment Properties, LLC.
- [s-cars] Removing stone-guard film from headlights
David Priebe
- [s-cars] Removing stone-guard film from headlights
David Priebe
- [s-cars] General question - appropriate unloaded battery voltage
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
Mark R
- [s-cars] NAAC Winter driving school 2007: side activity ideas?
Mark R
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
Mark R
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
Mark R
- [s-cars] GT 2876 vs GT3071 vs GT 3076. Differences? Pro's?Con's? Opinions?
Stephen Redford
- [s-cars] Brutal Review of the New S6
Stephen Redford
- [s-cars] Brake indicator light
Mark Rivera
- [s-cars] Exhaust Manifold?
Mark Rivera
- [s-cars] Cold start issue, brake fade
Mark Rivera
- [s-cars] Cold start issue, brake fade
Mark Rivera
- [s-cars] Couple rookie urS4 questions
Mark Rivera
- [s-cars] Couple rookie urS4 questions
Mark Rivera
- [s-cars] Couple rookie urS4 questions
Mark Rivera
- [s-cars] BMW Rear Camber
Mark Rivera
- [s-cars] Cold Start Issue ... Revisited
Mark Rivera
- [s-cars] Anyone towing with their urS4/S6?
Mark Rivera
- [s-cars] Cold start issue, brake fade
Mark Rivera
- [s-cars] Anyone towing with their urS4/S6?
Mark Rivera
- [s-cars] Anyone towing with their urS4/S6?
Mark Rivera
- [s-cars] Anyone towing with their urS4/S6?
Mark Rivera
- [s-cars] Anyone towing with their urS4/S6?
Mark Rivera
- [s-cars] Ticking power steering pump.
Mark Rivera
- [s-cars] clutch switch
Mark Rivera
- [s-cars] clutch switch
Mark Rivera
- [s-cars] "BRAKE" indicator light
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] another dumb newbie S-car question...1995.5 door locking procedure
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] front outer CV joint replacement
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] AUTO button on Climate Control
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] Whats the part # for a belly pan?
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] Gas smell when hard on throttle?
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] S6 Heated Door Mirrors
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
Robert Rossato
- [s-cars] Windshield Wiper Question
Matt Russell
- [s-cars] drivetrain vibration
Aaron Ryba
- [s-cars] Outer CV joint replacement
Aaron Ryba
- [s-cars] wheel bearing puller/press tool sourcing
Aaron Ryba
- [s-cars] front outer CV joint replacement
Aaron Ryba
- [s-cars] Shocks, springs for 95 S6
Aaron Ryba
- [s-cars] front outer CV joint replacement
Aaron Ryba
- [s-cars] Shocks and Springs - S6
Aaron Ryba
- [s-cars] Shocks, springs for 95 S6
Aaron Ryba
- [s-cars] Spartanburg Euroauto Festival
Aaron Ryba
- [s-cars] NAAC October 17 Social Dinner - Redhook Brewery, Portsmouth NH
Peter Schulz
- [s-cars] Storage for consumables and tools in the S6 Avant
Peter Schulz
- [s-cars] Winter floor mats
Peter Schulz
- [s-cars] another dumb newbie S-car question...1995.5 door locking procedure
Peter Schulz
- [s-cars] Join NAAC for Oktoberfest at Nashoba Valley Winery, Sun Oct.22
Peter Schulz
- [s-cars] Heater Fan BTDTs?
Peter Schulz
- [s-cars] 92 instrument cluster into 95 S6 BTDTs?
Peter Schulz
- [s-cars] Last chance to signup for High Performance Driving School at NHIS Oct 25 & 26!
Peter Schulz
- [s-cars] 92 instrument cluster into 95 S6 BTDTs?
Peter Schulz
- [s-cars] Windshield Wiper Question
Jerry Scott
- [s-cars] fuel injector service
Jerry Scott
- [s-cars] Removing stone-guard film from headlights
Jerry Scott
- [s-cars] Pump to Accumulator Brake J-Hose
Jerry Scott
- [s-cars] Engine Coolant Flushing Procedure when switching to
Chris Semple
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Ernest Seow
- [s-cars] Engine Coolant Flushing Procedure when switching to
Ernest Seow
- [s-cars] Online fraud (car related, delete if you're not interested)
James Shackelford
- [s-cars] clutch switch
James Shackelford
- [s-cars] Winter floor mats
Ado Sigal
- [s-cars] Recent Family Album?
Dan Simoes
- [s-cars] Replace those Delphi/Lucas injectors
Rob Stevenson
- [s-cars] RS2 replica injectors - before and after emission results
Rob Stevenson
- [s-cars] galvanic corrosion resulting in loose lug nuts: BS or not?
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] SOURCE needed for 45or47 high Z , bosch or siemens
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] she's gone...
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Mark Strangways
- [s-cars] Exhaust Manifold?
Ben Swann
- [s-cars] Mondo MAF alternatives for RS2/AAN conversion
Ben Swann
- [s-cars] GT2871 is in!
Marc Swanson
- [s-cars] Lug Bolts
A Tay
- [s-cars] urS4 trans additive?
Chris Thorp
- [s-cars] urS4 trans additive?
Chris Thorp
- [s-cars] General question - appropriate unloaded battery voltage
Chris Thorp
- [s-cars] AUTO button on Climate Control
Joshua van Tol
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
Joshua van Tol
- [s-cars] Steering Rack R & R
David Toppin
- [s-cars] Loud rattling
Steve Voit
- [s-cars] Creaking Bilstein/Eibach/2Bennett set-up
Steve Voit
- [s-cars] Another S-Car Totalled
Ron Wainwright
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
Ron Wainwright
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
Ron Wainwright
- [s-cars] part # request Big Blacks
Ron Wainwright
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
Ron Wainwright
- [s-cars] Winter floor mats
- [s-cars] Storage for consumables and tools in the S6 Avant
Tom Winter
- [s-cars] another dumb newbie S-car question...1995.5 door
Tom Winter
- [s-cars] Couple rookie urS4 questions (alignment)
Tom Winter
- [s-cars] Colo Lister?
Tom Winter
- [s-cars] Subject: she's gone...
Tom Winter
- [s-cars] Studly Advice
Young, Steve
- [s-cars] //So(8) who's next? Muwhahahaa...
Young, Steve
- [s-cars] AUTO button on Climate Control
Young, Steve
- [s-cars] go pedal broken
Young, Steve
- [s-cars] Clutch Slipping?
jim at activelifestylemassage.com
- [s-cars] Outside temp indicator
Bikeaudi at aol.com
- [s-cars] best winter floor Mats
Bikeaudi at aol.com
- [s-cars] WTB 95-97 A6 driver's side headlamp
Bikeaudi at aol.com
- [s-cars] Declared value insurance
Bluemaxww1 at aol.com
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Bluemaxww1 at aol.com
- [s-cars] carfax por favor
CLAG500 at aol.com
- [s-cars] home-made wheel bearing puller added to KB
CLAG500 at aol.com
- [s-cars] Trailer hitch for 95 S6 Avant
CaptMagu at aol.com
- [s-cars] Anyone towing with their urS4/S6?
CaptMagu at aol.com
- [s-cars] Anyone towing with their urS4/S6?
CaptMagu at aol.com
- [s-cars] Windshield Wiper Question
CaptMagu at aol.com
- [s-cars] Another S-Car Totalled
CaptMagu at aol.com
- [s-cars] Another S-Car Totalled
CaptMagu at aol.com
- [s-cars] I'm lookind for an AAN head...
CaptMagu at aol.com
- [s-cars] Brutal Review of the New S6
CaptMagu at aol.com
- [s-cars] Stromung in the rain
DGraber460 at aol.com
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
DGraber460 at aol.com
- [s-cars] Couple rookie urS4 questions
ELLIEOLSEN at aol.com
- [s-cars] //So(8) who's next? Muwhahahaa...
ELLIEOLSEN at aol.com
- [s-cars] 2b camber plate question
ELLIEOLSEN at aol.com
- [s-cars] (no subject)
FvAMI at aol.com
- [s-cars] Wiper blade lifting problems...
FvAMI at aol.com
- [s-cars] Windshield Wiper Question
HOOG23 at aol.com
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
Mtgadbois at aol.com
- [s-cars] 1.8T coil conversion
Odyrestorations at aol.com
- [s-cars] //So(8) who's next? Muwhahahaa...
QuattroJedi at aol.com
- [s-cars] 93 S4 Aux h20 pump
Realcoast at aol.com
- [s-cars] 93 S4 Aux h20 pump
Realcoast at aol.com
- [s-cars] Re Another S-Car Totalled
a2000sportster at aol.com
- [s-cars] RE; 2B camber plate question
a2000sportster at aol.com
- [s-cars] GT 2876 vs GT3071 vs GT 3076. Differences? Pro's?Con's? Opinions?
djdawson2 at aol.com
- [s-cars] Semi RS2'd
djdawson2 at aol.com
- [s-cars] Rotella T 5w40 cheap
djdawson2 at aol.com
- [s-cars] Rotella T 5w40 cheap
djdawson2 at aol.com
- [s-cars] '91 200tq wrench needed in CT area...
djdawson2 at aol.com
- [s-cars] Second hand advice
djdawson2 at aol.com
- [s-cars] WTB LS 200tq euro headlight
djdawson2 at aol.com
- [s-cars] Wiper blade lifting problems...
djdawson2 at aol.com
- [s-cars] Wiper blade lifting problems...
djdawson2 at aol.com
- [s-cars] Exhaust Manifold?
elijahallen92 at aol.com
- [s-cars] immanent coil failure/1.8t conversion
elijahallen92 at aol.com
- [s-cars] immanent coil failure/1.8t conversion
elijahallen92 at aol.com
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
elijahallen92 at aol.com
- [s-cars] ECU Codes
hoog23 at aol.com
- [s-cars] Windshield Wiper Question
hoog23 at aol.com
- [s-cars] S6 Heated Door Mirrors
hoog23 at aol.com
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
mtgadbois at aol.com
- [s-cars] Bottom Feeder?
mtgadbois at aol.com
- [s-cars] Anyone towing with their urS4/S6?
- [s-cars] Fwd: Re: Need info on a custom S6 steering wheel... Anyone???
brian bilotti
- [s-cars] S6 front control arms
brian bilotti
- [s-cars] HELP! Euro S6 rear bumper removal
brian bilotti
- [s-cars] HELP! Euro S6 rear bumper removal-I figured it out!!!
brian bilotti
- [s-cars] so my car is burning oil?
forrest bradshaw
- [s-cars] Stromung in the rain
forrest bradshaw
- [s-cars] burning oil
forrest bradshaw
- [s-cars] stromung hangers
forrest bradshaw
- [s-cars] Brake indicator light
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Seat rockin and rattling.......in a bad way
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Seat rockin and rattling......in a bad way
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Seat rockin and rattling.......in a bad way - IS seat removal required?
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Headlight washer/sprayer needed
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Windshield washer tube
chris chambers
- [s-cars] Exhaust Manifold?
audijim at comcast.net
- [s-cars] Oil Pressure Sender Failure
audijim at comcast.net
- [s-cars] SOURCE needed for 45or47 high Z , bosch or siemens
audijim at comcast.net
- [s-cars] Gas smell when hard on throttle?
audijim at comcast.net
- [s-cars] urS4 trans additive?
audijim at comcast.net
- [s-cars] Steering Wheel Airbag Cancelling Ring
audijim at comcast.net
- [s-cars] Fwd: go pedal broken
audijim at comcast.net
- [s-cars] Brutal Review of the New S6
brucem105 at comcast.net
- [s-cars] CV joint
s.richter at comcast.net
- [s-cars] aux power outlet
s.richter at comcast.net
- [s-cars] Whats the part # for a belly pan?
auctionpics at cox.net
- [s-cars] urS4 trans additive?
auctionpics at cox.net
- [s-cars] urS4 trans additive?
auctionpics at cox.net
- [s-cars] Wiper Arm Help Please...
auctionpics at cox.net
- [s-cars] GT 2876 vs GT3071 vs GT 3076. Differences? Pro's?Con's? Opinions?
calvinlc at earthlink.net
- [s-cars] Removing Shifter Boot/Trim Plate
calvinlc at earthlink.net
- [s-cars] Need urS4 wiring Diagram/Help
quattro + 5 or 8 = fun
- [s-cars] Need URS4 wiring diagram/help
quattro + 5 or 8 = fun
- [s-cars] Need info on a custom S6 steering wheel... Anyone???
- [s-cars] Creaking Bilstein/Eibach/2Bennett set-up
- [s-cars] Pump to Accumulator Brake J-Hose
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
cobram at juno.com
- [s-cars] front side windows
cobram at juno.com
- [s-cars] Storage for consumables and tools in the S6 Avant
matt ludwig.
- [s-cars] another dumb newbie S-car question...1995.5 door
matt ludwig.
- [s-cars] Black UrS6- South Portland, ME
matt ludwig.
- [s-cars] Bottom Feeder?
matt ludwig.
- [s-cars] Creaking Bilstein/Eibach/2Bennett set-up
matt ludwig.
- [s-cars] built 2.7tt motor leads?
matt ludwig.
- [s-cars] NAC: worlds fastest street legal car
matt ludwig.
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
matt ludwig.
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
matt ludwig.
- [s-cars] Anyone heard from Bob Myers???
matt ludwig.
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
- [s-cars] PCC-ACNA Tech Ed/DIY Session this Saturday, 11/4
hmarcnguyen at netscape.net
- [s-cars] Whats the part # for a belly pan?
lebakken1 at netzero.com
- [s-cars] SOURCE needed for 45or47 high Z , bosch or siemens
lebakken1 at netzero.net
- [s-cars] SOURCE needed for 45or47 high Z , bosch or siemens
lebakken1 at netzero.net
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
lebakken1 at netzero.net
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
lebakken1 at netzero.net
- [s-cars] Selling my S4, not!
lebakken1 at netzero.net
- [s-cars] Brutal Review of the New S6
lebakken1 at netzero.net
- [s-cars] Wet floor killed my ECU?
mike schowengerdt
- [s-cars] Gas smell when hard on throttle
mike schowengerdt
- [s-cars] Storage for consumables and tools in the S6 Avant
manuelsanchez at starpower.net
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
manuelsanchez at starpower.net
- [s-cars] Leaking Steering Rack - Nuts
manuelsanchez at starpower.net
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
manuelsanchez at starpower.net
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
manuelsanchez at starpower.net
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
manuelsanchez at starpower.net
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
manuelsanchez at starpower.net
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2
manuelsanchez at starpower.net
- [s-cars] Cracked Big Brake Brackets - ECS Stage 2-Other Big Brake Info
manuelsanchez at starpower.net
- [s-cars] Fluctuating Temp Guage
iain.atkinson at tesco.net
- [s-cars] S6 Heated Door Mirrors
iain.atkinson at tesco.net
- [s-cars] S6 Heated Door Mirrors
iain.atkinson at tesco.net
- [s-cars] odd fuel smell
iain.atkinson at tesco.net
- [s-cars] Anyone heard from Bob Myers???
iain.atkinson at tesco.net
- [s-cars] Auxiliary Water Pump / Turbocharger coolant pump
- [s-cars] Auxiliary Water Pump / Turbocharger coolant pump
- [s-cars] per vag com - list of codes
theringmeister at triad.rr.com
- [s-cars] //So(8) who's next? Muwhahahaa...
pkrasusky at ups.com
- [s-cars] //So(8) who's next? Muwhahahaa...
pkrasusky at ups.com
- [s-cars] //So(8) who's next? Muwhahahaa...or Missy Piggy "Lite"...
pkrasusky at ups.com
- [s-cars] Stuck Lug Bolts
pkrasusky at ups.com
- [s-cars] Bottom Feeder?
pkrasusky at ups.com
- [s-cars] Bottom Feeder?
pkrasusky at ups.com
- [s-cars] Bottom Feeder?
pkrasusky at ups.com
- [s-cars] carfax?
pkrasusky at ups.com
- [s-cars] she's gone...
pkrasusky at ups.com
- [s-cars] CD changer - silver box for sale
pkrasusky at ups.com
- [s-cars] '91 200tq wrench needed in CT area...
pkrasusky at ups.com
- [s-cars] My S4
pkrasusky at ups.com
- [s-cars] Anyone looking for S8 to join a few of us?
pkrasusky at ups.com
- [s-cars] Cincinnati & Dayton Salvage Yards
Eric_R_Kissell at whirlpool.com
Last message date:
Tue Oct 31 23:08:24 EST 2006
Archived on: Wed Nov 1 17:38:35 EST 2006
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).