[s-cars] //So(8) who's next? Muwhahahaa...or Missy Piggy "Lite"...
pkrasusky at ups.com
pkrasusky at ups.com
Thu Oct 5 15:35:32 EDT 2006
First - No one's bashing the C4! Evah!!!
Lambasted? Naaaa. Will correct you on yer math however.
_FIND_ME_ a UrS that weighs a paltry 3,600. HA! Comedian you are! Try
3,850, on a 'good day' and I think I'm being generous by a coupla lbs...
few listers here have scaled them. And of course more for an Avant.
The //S8 is thus *maybe* 200 lbs. lighter... with ~ 60 more horse than
my K24 car - on IT'S good day. "Only" 317tq, yes, less than my UrS, but
in at a respectable 3,450 rpm.
MPG I'm getting 2MPG less per tank, average, thus far. Worth the grins!
Drive to drive, back to back, the //S8 will walk on my UrS6 from 80 on.
Walk. Off the line, same thing, launch is significantly more elastic
bandy w/o turbo lag, point and shoot this sucker.
Sure the turbo surge is gone, and no way it'll keep with a 3071'd or the
like'd car. But, there is sooooooooo much more about these cars than
mere power. Car feels much lighter on it's feet than it's size / weight
would imply, and it I'll be damned does things it simply should NOT do.
And feels dare I say like a better handler than my UrS. But again, it's
the whole driving experience, interior, etc. that makes this car what it
is, and makes it more uber than der C4. Waaay more uber.
Come down and drive mine (don't pull a Bob heh heh) and you'll see 8-).
Nice try though to disrupt the apparent migration heh heh! Keep up the
good werk!
ps. I had nuthhhhin to do with Keith's latest, he says he's been offlist
since //SFest and read my post about it the day he went to go look at
that one - great mindz think alike I guess heh heh...
pps. Keith's made the call of the day to me earlier with "are these
technically UrS8 ' s?".... Bwhahahahhaaaaaaaa watch out...
Message: 6
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2006 12:59:11 -0400
From: "Postupack, Jeff" <Jeff.Postupack at analog.com>
Subject: Re: [s-cars] //So(8) who's next? Muwhahahaa...or Missy Piggy
I KNOW better than to launch this thread. I'm gonna get it.
I mean, PK is gonna baste me like a turkey for sayin' this. Lam-basted,
Miss Piggy redefined in the form of an S8!!
S8 - 4068 freakin pounds (curb weight WITHOUT car seats??)
Let's not be bashin' the old C4 chassis at 3600# nor running out to the
Autotrader S8 leads just yet.
317 lb-ft of torque and 360 HP? At 4068 pounds? Exhaust is not going to
be enough.. Sounds like you need a Supercharger on that tanker.
I'm sure that S8 sounds GRRREAAAT! (like Tony the Tiger would say)
But that power profile ain't nuthin' compared to the old modified S car
with GT 3071 (in style) turbo charged S6 , stoked with MRC's latest.
And you're gonna need a Tiger in yer tank to move the NEW Miss Piggy
Now Keith has gotten this sickness too. Be careful or old James will
spank ya' all with his '86 5000TQ
weighing in at 3200 pounds.
That would be fun to watch!
Duck Jeff!
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