[s-cars] S6 front control arms

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 25 18:13:07 EDT 2006

i did remove the bolts completely.  however, all i had was a wrecking bar
and i remember it wasn't big enough for the amount of movement that would
be required to separate the parts.

i decided it wasn't worth it just to replace the balljoint boot (which
is actually from a 5000 but is supposed to fit, perhaps with a bit of
persuasion).  i'll replace the whole control arm when the time comes.


--- Igor Kessel <KBATPO at comcast.net> wrote:

> Theodore Chen wrote:
> > you know, i never did figure out how to separate the upright from the
> > balljoint.  i disconnected both antiroll bar brackets and had both front
> > wheels off the ground.  but i just couldn't get the upright separated
> > from the balljoint.
> > 
> > i was trying to replace a torn balljoint boot.  after wrestling with it
> > for a while, i gave up.  i decided to just let it die, and replace the
> > entire control arm when the time comes.
> > 
> > -teddy
> Teddy,
> you didn't forget to _completely_ remove the long bolts holding the ball 
> joint fingers in the hub, did you? :)
> The  ball joint fingers have grooves in them, so unless you remove those 
> bolts _completely_, you won't be able to remove the control arms no 
> matter what size of a sledgehammer and pry bar you'll be using.
> -- 
> Igor Kessel
> two turbo quattros

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