[s-cars] transmission question - Audi A4
Taka Mizutani
t44tqtro at gmail.com
Wed Oct 18 21:24:20 EDT 2006
Any possibility that the shifter is simply seriously out of alignment? That
prevent you from getting the right gears (I'm currently having this issue
one of our medium-duty Hino trucks).
If it's a matter of R&R'ing the shifter, maybe replacing the bushings, it
be too expensive, but if you have a bent shifter fork internally or the
reverse gear
is seriously damaged, you're looking at a new transmission.
I looked at a '01 SVT Cobra a while ago that wouldn't shift properly in any
the shifter forks were mangled (PO was probably powershifting) and it was
by them rebuilding the transmission and replacing most of the internals.
Sorry I can't help any more than that, just two possibilities with extreme
in price.
On 10/18/06, Lee Levitt <lee at wheelman.com> wrote:
> I'm looking at a '96 A4 with a bad reverse gear -- the car will
> not go into reverse. Car has about 100K on it. (5 speed)
> Any thoughts on what might cause this? Possible range of fixes?
> Cost?
> Thanks!
> Lee
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