[s-cars] Engine Coolant Flushing Procedure when switching to G12

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 30 14:15:01 EST 2006

on the coolant issue:


my '92 S4 has green coolant in it from the previous owner.  i decided
not to mess with it, and after the recent turbo swap, i refilled the
system with prestone gold coolant (which claims to be compatible with
any color coolant).  i didn't try to flush the system, but simply
refilled it.


--- Harold McComas <HaroldMcComas at comcast.net> wrote:

> Dave and others,
> why is it that the G12+ is rarely mentioned in North America. I am getting 
> some US spec parts for a MkII Golf for a guy in Austria and he said," OH, 
> the G11 and G12 is old stuff "  and "G11 is almost impossible to find here, 
> so why bother". I readily found G11 (and G12) at a local parts place, no 
> such luck on G12+. Even went to http://www.crpindustries.com/pentosin.htm 
> ( which sucks BTW for info) and found no mention of it.
> G12+ can be mixed with either G11 or G12 with no issues, or so I have read. 
> Next coolant flush ( in 2 years) I want to try the Purple G12+.
> Harold
> > From: "Dave Forgie" <forgied at ae.ca>
> > Subject: [s-cars] Engine Coolant Flushing Procedure when switching to
> > G12
> > To: "s-car" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> > Message-ID: <s545c19a.077 at mail.ae.ca>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> >
> > The following is supposedly from a VAG Technical Service Bulletin
> > (TSB):
> >
> > ***********************
> >
> > Unlike the previous "G11" coolant, this newly developed "G12" product
> > permits a cooling system fill that lasts the service life of the
> > engine and was designed with all-aluminum engines in mind.
> >
> > Advantages over previous coolant:
> > Improved corrosion protection
> > Improve thermal stability
> > Improved heat transfer/control
> > Improved hard water tolerance
> > Improved environmental protection
> >
> > CAUTION!G 012 A8D A1 must NEVER be mixed with any other coolant. Engine
> > damage will result! G 012 A8D A1 is red in color. The mixture of G 012
> > A8D A1 and other colored coolants is immediately identifiable by
> > discoloration (brown, purple etc.). If this mixture is used in an
> > engine, a foamy deposit will appear in the expansion tank/radiator. This
> > mixture is to be
> > drained immediately and the cooling system flushed as described
> > below.
> >
> > Flushing procedure :Engine at operating temperature (older vehicles
> > (like ours) with heater valve: heater on). Drain coolant (lower right
> > side (left side -facing) corner of the rad (belly pan off) Attach hose
> > to nipple . Apply
> > compressed air to expansion tank or radiator to blow out remaining
> > coolant. Close cooling system, fill with distilled water. Run engine for
> > a minimum of 2 minutes. Drain water and apply compressed Air to
> > expansion tank a before close cooling system and fill with appropriate
> > mixture ratio of G 012 A8D A1and distilled water. Test drive, check
> > coolant level and add if necessary. Note:G 012 A8D 01 coolant may be
> > used in older
> > vehicles when the original coolant is drained and cooling system
> > flushed as described above. Inform customer that a new coolant Is used
> > and that ONLY water or G 012 A8D A1 be used to replenish. CAUTION! Never
> > re-use old coolant when performing
> > engine repairs.Dispose of old coolant properly. Flushing as specified
> > above, or engine damage resulting from the use of a mixture of G 012 A8D
> > A1 and other coolants is not covered by the
> > new vehicle warranty
> >
> > Reference:  http://gti-vr6.net/library/engine/blue_or_red_coolant.html
> >
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