[s-cars] Online fraud (car related, delete if you're not interested)

Andrew Buc AndrewBuc at staxman.net
Mon Oct 16 02:13:27 EDT 2006

On Sunday, October 15, 2006, at 02:58  PM, Taka Mizutani wrote:

> Has anyone here successfully gotten a criminal action filed against 
> someone
> who is
> committing wire fraud via ads on internet forums?

I heard of a case a couple of years ago where a guy (in New Orleans, I 
think) who bought Macintoshes, fixed them up, and resold them on eBay, 
got a criminal action filed against a buyer in the Chicago area who 
didn't pay up or some such. I doubt that I still have the link, but I 
imagine a search engine would lead you to it.

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