[s-cars] Online fraud (car related, delete if you're not interested)

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Sun Oct 15 18:07:12 EDT 2006

BTW, I only used Robert Hack as an example, my case is not with him.

On 10/15/06, Taka Mizutani <t44tqtro at gmail.com> wrote:
> Has anyone here successfully gotten a criminal action filed against
> someone who is
> committing wire fraud via ads on internet forums?
> I recently paid for some shocks that have not been sent for two weeks and
> now the seller
> is basically saying "You're screwed, too bad."
> I'm wondering if the claims via the US Postal Inspector's office, the FBI
> or anywhere else actually
> get anywhere.
> I will be contacting the local district attorney about this as well.
> Any action against Robert Hack or Motodyne or whatever else his a/k/a
> might be?
> Taka

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