[s-cars] Boost leak found! Help with part # ?

Steve Powers sbpowers at gmail.com
Tue Oct 10 13:58:49 EDT 2006

JR -

> There is a little "T" shaped rubber hose right under the intake manifold
> that connects 3 other hoses together with hose clamps.  It has split and
> is leaking like crazy.  It's the only thing down there so I can see it
> clearly and feel the air leaking when I pressurize the system, but I
> can't see the part number.  Anyone know what part # is and where I can
> get one fast?

mine broke also. it's rather an expensive hose vs. going to your NAPA
dealer and getting a 3-way brass hose barb for $5 or less.

I do buy the one-time hose clamps from Audi and use Craftsman side
nippers to close them.

Steve Powers

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