[s-cars] Oil Pressure Sender Failure

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Mon Oct 16 12:32:12 EDT 2006

A resounding yes will surely come from this list, Mark.
Several listers and I have had this same failure mode of the oil  
switch.  And, if not caught early, it will blow out the center of the  
and empty the engine in short order.  I believe these are original  
and, yes, Bizzaro it is.

The lesson to learn here is do not let any fluid leak go without  
for the cause and correcting the problem.  A small steering pump leak
could have masked this leak until it was too late.  If you are not  
going to
keep a good flashlight handy and look under the hood regularly, then
a preemptive change may be in order.

I wonder what this list does to the computer geeks at places like World
Impex when they get such big spikes for certain parts that have been
gathering dust on the shelf? :-)


> Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 10:36:24 -0400
> From: Mark Pollan <mark.pollan at verizonbusiness.com>
> Subject: [s-cars] Oil Pressure Sender Failure
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Message-ID: <000001c6f130$74cb42c0$832e9283 at mcilink.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="iso-8859-1"
> I don?t want this ailment to spread to others? but I need to  
> share.  Oil
> stain on my driveway was traced to my beloved chariot and further  
> to the oil
> pressure sender.  This is a black, 1 pin unit more or less under the
> throttle body and screws into the block.  I have it in my hands  
> right now
> and it appears that the physical bond of the sender and the spade  
> connector
> failed allowing oil to be forced between the two dissimilar  
> materials.  I
> drove a total of four miles and I lost about ? quart during that  
> period.  No
> moron light or anything so I am certain the engine is fine.  Had I  
> been
> romping around far from home?
> The part number is 068 919 081 for those interested in preventive
> maintenance and runs $7 at World Impex.  Anybody else have this  
> part fail?
> Seems like a Bizarre failure.

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