[s-cars] Couple rookie urS4 questions

Mark Rivera mrivera at webcats.net
Fri Oct 6 10:39:15 EDT 2006

Thanks for the replies...  If I disable the servotronic the steering will no
longer be speed sensitive, correct?


-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Douglas [mailto:quattro20v at telus.net]
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 10:32 AM
To: 'Mark Rivera'; 'S-Car-List'
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Couple rookie urS4 questions

> Also, where would one begin to diagnose a cruise control that just plain
> doesn't work?  All the mechanicals seem to be in place.  Is there a known
> item that commonly fails here?  Is there an dash light that illuminates
> when
> it's activated?


On my car, the kill switch on the clutch pedal had worked its way loose from
the mount. If the switch is not depressed, the cruise control will not work.

Also, check the vacuum lines in the engine bay running to the cc module.

Sean D.

1997 S6

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