[s-cars] //So(8) who's next? or I Coulda Had A V8!

Bill Noland wenoland at pacbell.net
Fri Oct 6 09:21:20 EDT 2006

Paulie, don't listen to the detractors -- it's a clear case of displacement 
(not to mention cylinder/valve-count) envy. The UrS8 has got the looks, got 
the moves and she's got the V8. Nothing like the sound of a V8 in the 
morning (all day, for that matter) to get the blood flowing.

I'm glad my UrS4 is still in the family (step daughter-driven), so I can 
still see it, hear it,  repair it and occasionally drive it. On the other 
hand, it just doesn't have a V8.

I've given serious consideration to picking up an S8 over the last few 
years. Probably the best looking Audi in recent years -- UrS4-ish good looks 
and serious Q-ship factor. And, did I mention the V8?

Took an extended test drive in a very cherry RS6 a couple weeks back. Oh 
mama. But, Wifey decided it was time for a little more dog haulin', crap 
totin' utility than her Subie WRX Wagon offers, so we scored a very nice '03 
allroad. (Oh no! The slippery slope of UrRS4 mods is on the horizon!)  So 
much for RS6 dreams. I'll content myself with the S4 V8, which, of course, 
kicks the S8's butt big time, but that's a whole other discussion.   :-)

Bill Noland
Havin' a V8 

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