[s-cars] immanent coil failure/1.8t conversion

Paul DAnneo padanneo at sbcglobal.net
Wed Oct 11 14:44:26 EDT 2006

  I've had a miss @WOT for sometime. 
  I replaced my coils with the Apicol kit and as Dave had said, it only took 10-15 mins. The only problem I have is that this hasn't solved my problem. 
   I also have a miss that gets worse as the car heats up. The last time I took it on a road trip I had to stop several times going up a summit to let the car rest and reset its self. As I would acellerate the miss would get worse. Finally the car just wouldn't go. So I'd stop and rest. then the car would run fine for 5-10 min. under normal driving, and again it would start missing.
   I pulled the codes. 
  2142 knock sensor. Mine looks brand new. But I cleaned anyway. No change.
  2341 Oxygen sensor. I had just replaced mine months prior to my missing problem.
  So changing the coils didn't fix my problem.
  Have you replaced your fuel pump recently? Mines been replaced twice. Two pump failures inside 2 weeks. Next I'm replacing the FPR(fuel pres. reg.). I'll see how that goes.

"Varon H. Fugman" <vfugman at globaldialog.com> wrote:
  My OEM coil failure is progressing nicely. from just the slightest
hesitation under boost, to a miss at full boost during hot weather, to an
occasional miss during regular driving.

Yesterday, it stared missing at idle while stopped in traffic. Ah, ha, I
thought, now I can disconnect injectors and see which cylinder is at a
fault! But by the time I pulled into a parking lot it was running smoothly
again, so no go.

At any rate, I'm sure total coil failure is just around the corner, so I
need do something fast.

Any new developments with regard to 1.8t conversions? Should I just do it?


'95 S6

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