[s-cars] 200k km what now?

Vincent Frégeac s.sikss at gmail.com
Sun Oct 22 19:31:38 EDT 2006

Based on what failed on mine between 200 and 300Kkm, I would add:
- Clean and grease hand brake mechanism on rear calipers (not a bad idea to
also rebuild all four calipers, time consuming but cheap parts)

- Clean and grease caliper guide pins, change guipe pins dust boots. If a
guipe pin is rusted, change guide _and_ bracket.

- Clean and repack propeller shaft CV joints. Repacking is a simple one
afternoon job (a few parts to remove to have access to it). R&R a failed CV
joint because it have been lubricated by dry mud for months can be a weekend

- Listen to all four wheel bearings with a stethoscope. They can start to
heat up before they become audible in the car and can become _really_ hard
to remove. When they start to fail, the sooner you change them, the better.

- Change the clutch master cylinder (low cost R&R that would leave you on
the side on the road if not done preventively). When it fail in a remote
place and the local garage doesn't know which country Audis come from you
know the reason of preventive maintenance.

- Clean the two lower intake hoses to remove oil.

- Pressurize intake to check for leaks

- Plan suspension upgrade. You'll have the "while I'm at it" excuse before

- Plan clutch upgrade. May last over 400Kkm, may fail before if you have too
much fun on frozen lakes (Don't ask!)

- Plan 1.8T coil conversion

Besides what Rich already mentionned, that's about all that made me have
headaches in the last 100Kkm, with also a head gasket but this last one
doesn't fall in the preventive maintenance category.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] De la part de Rich Assarabowski
Envoyé : 22 octobre 2006 17:33
À : 'Sam Clarkson'; s-car-list at audifans.com
Objet : Re: [s-cars] 200k km what now?

I'd start with the maintenance stuff if you want to go another 200K kliks.

-- Flush steering fluid and replace with the correct Pentosin (CHF11S)
-- Flush and bleed brake fluid (I like ATE Super Blue)
-- Replace transmission fluid (I like Redline MT90)
-- Replace gear fluid in differentials (I like Redline 75W90)
-- Make sure thermostat opens and closes all the way
-- Flush and replace antifreeze (I use the factory-correct Pentosin G11),
I'd replace the thermostat anyway
-- Make sure timing belt has been replaced in a timely manner 
-- Make sure plugs are tightened down and are in good shape.   Don't use
anything but the stock plugs
-- Make sure your turbo bypass valve is in good condition, there are some
better aftermarket alternatives to the stock Bosch (I like the
-- Make sure coil packs and POS's in good shape
-- Make sure turbo hoses in good shape, no leaks or cracks
-- Make sure all suspension components OK, no knocks or clunks
-- Buy a turbo pressure gauge, I like the ones mounted on the A-pillar, also
easiest to install(VDO or AutoMeter)

Your car is now primed for 50 extra horespower.

-- Install a chip (lots of choices there), I like the MTM Stage 1+ for the
big midrange torque boost

Next step is suspension, I think I'll stop right here.  Your car will
already be transformed and will be happy for the next 200K km.

-- Rich A.
   '93 S4
   '92 S4 (stock, for sale)

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