[s-cars] Bottom Feeder?

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Tue Oct 10 14:48:19 EDT 2006

Peter bottom fed:

<<<Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2006 01:23:02 -0400
From: Peter Dowker <pdowker at mac.com>
Subject: [s-cars] Bottom Feeder?

I see the technorati are starting to move to the S8 class class  
cars.. does my desire to stay with:
highly reliable and well understood

make me a bottom feeder?
(insert tongue in cheek)

:-) :-)

Pete Dowker
1993 S4
Richmond, VA

Maybe I should be looking for an Avant now... hhhhh>>>


Wow, I'm a technorati?  I assume that's a good thing???  I prefer
technodumbass or technodillhole, but if you say so 8-).  And with class
you say?  NEVAH!

We took der beast on a foliage trip to VT for the weekend for our 8th
anniv. and I got to spend some good time in it.  Well, good after I
changed the f'n FLAT I got on 91N, goodbye brand f'n new SP Sport 9000.
Marks now the 2nd //S car I've had for under 3 weeks I've gotten a flat
in (AudiGods setting the ownership tone???).  Repairable?  Of course
not.  $$$ right out the f'n window, awesome.  WTF.

AFTER that, manohman, this thing is simply a *machine*.  It beckons to
hammer.  HAMMER!  Throttle response is awesome, gearing fabulous (part
of what makes the car really), steering feel amazing, brakes wondrous,
and the soundtrack is addictive.  Carved up some great VT twisties (as
great as they can get mit wife).  Jen actually asked me to pull over at
one point as she got nauseous, kid you not.  Car pulls good G's.
Averaged a wife-in-car 19.8MPG for the trip, my best yet in it.  Worst
was 1st "Rossato'd" tank @ 13.

Baaaack to the bottom feeder bit...  <<<no way>>>...  more like smart
feeder.  C4's are one of the high point's of Audi's achievement, and do
so many things so well for not so much $ and look good doing it.  But,
eventually one must move on, and I to an, ahem (Keith), UrS8 (that's
still hilarious).  Talk about BOTTOM FEEDERS!!!  That would be those of
us with these (there's 4 of us on here now, Bruce/Ed/me/Keith), buying
$80k cars for sub $20k (well mine at least heh heh).  That's bottom
feeding!  Bring it on...

-Paul bottom feeder @ heart K.

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