[s-cars] S6 instrument cluster - dead buzzer

Stott Hare stott at gwi.net
Mon Oct 2 12:03:09 EDT 2006

So if I recall correctly, Bob Myers had this problem a while back with a 
dead buzzer, as did a few others (myself included).  I finally got 
bored/curious, so I pulled out the IC this weekend, disassembling it and 
removing the offending buzzer.  I'm curious if anyone has found an 
acceptable replacement for this speaker/buzzer yet?

 I've dropped it off at my local electronic whiz parts supplier in hopes 
they can locate a suitable replacement.  The speaker I removed was (from 
memory) about 27mm in diameter, 7mm thick with 2 long (~15mm pins) 
leads.  The leads were soldered to a small pad, which appears to have 
been epoxied to the rear of the buzzer.  The pad was loose, and there 
were no visible wiring leads to the speaker, so I'm guessing an 
inductive device.  The speaker clipped into a plastic housing, which 
clipped into the IC circuit board, and the two leads, after passing 
through the housing and the circuit board, were soldered to the circuit 
board behind the fuel gauge.  The only identification mark was a screen 
printed number 4 on the speaker magnet, nothing really indicating a 
manufacturer or a part number.

I'll post up if I find a replacement, but I'm really curious if anyone 
else has already done this legwork.

Stott Hare
95 S6A

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