[s-cars] RF Remote-HELP

brian bilotti vinnieb2 at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 8 02:14:00 EDT 2006

Hopefully someone's had this issue before.

The remote that came with the car worked but it's
keyring tab was broken so I swapped it's guts out to
non-broken one. Seemed to work fine. BTW, I tried to
reprogram the non-broken one and no go. Fast forward-
now the "good one" doesn't work. Tried reprogramming
it, no go. I'm pissed. I've done all the correct
reprogramming/programming techniques to no avail.

The door lock works with the key only so it's not
pump/vacuum related. I looked in Bentley and there's
no fuse for this and the only thing I can find is a
relay(J381)that controls the Ultra sound sensors.

Could this be the problem? Is there any way to test
that relay?

I'd love to hear from y'all


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