[s-cars] Do I want an Optima?

Joshua van Tol josh at spiny.com
Sun Sep 17 17:32:46 EDT 2006

Dave, I think Optima batteries are completely sealed, unless they're 
overcharged, which will cause them to vent, but I believe this is true 
for any "totally sealed" battery. I've got a re-branded optima under the 
rear seat of my 5kcstq, and I've been very happy with it. Absolutely no 
sign of corrosion, which wasn't the case with the old vented battery, 
which caused corrosion inside the ABS control unit, ruining it.

Lots of other folks have used Optima batteries in similar applications, 
and it is not a problem. If you do use a vented battery, beware that not 
all of them have provision for a vent tube, to vent the battery gases 

Dave Kase wrote:
> I was getting ready to buy an Optima Red Top for my e//S2 and was told I 
> might not be doing the right thing.
> The battery is currently in the trunk area and I will be relocating to 
> under the rear seat in a stock S2 battery box.  I figured an Optima 
> would be the right choice as it is a vent-free battery and the battery 
> will be in the passenger compartment.
> I went to pick one up at Advance Auto and the store employee told me 
> that I should have a vented battery.  She said that a vented battery 
> would exhaust the fumes outside the car.  If I had an Optima I might 
> exhaust any fumes inside the car - not good.
> OK, OK, I know...it was a discount auto parts joint with a likely 
> less-than-pro clerk, but it did make me think.
> Do I need an Optima? (I guess not since the stock S2 battery was vented 
> - the vent hose in still in the box I bought)
> Do I even want an Optima?
> TIA,
> Dave Kase
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