[s-cars] Do I want an Optima?

Mark Strangways StrangConst at rogers.com
Sun Sep 17 23:38:05 EDT 2006

I used the blue (or yellow) can't remember.
I believe it was the deep cycle battery, not the marine.

The reasoning behind my choice was due to the periods of inactivity that the 
car sees.
I think it's been in 2 years and has been great. Even when it was killed 
many times (by the power window up function that went wacko) it came right 
back with a bump start and quick drive.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joshua van Tol" <josh at spiny.com>
To: <S-CAR-List at audifans.com>
Cc: "Audifans" <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2006 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Do I want an Optima?

> Dave, I think Optima batteries are completely sealed, unless they're
> overcharged, which will cause them to vent, but I believe this is true
> for any "totally sealed" battery. I've got a re-branded optima under the
> rear seat of my 5kcstq, and I've been very happy with it. Absolutely no
> sign of corrosion, which wasn't the case with the old vented battery,
> which caused corrosion inside the ABS control unit, ruining it.
> Lots of other folks have used Optima batteries in similar applications,
> and it is not a problem. If you do use a vented battery, beware that not
> all of them have provision for a vent tube, to vent the battery gases
> outside.
> Dave Kase wrote:
>> I was getting ready to buy an Optima Red Top for my e//S2 and was told I
>> might not be doing the right thing.
>> The battery is currently in the trunk area and I will be relocating to
>> under the rear seat in a stock S2 battery box.  I figured an Optima
>> would be the right choice as it is a vent-free battery and the battery
>> will be in the passenger compartment.
>> I went to pick one up at Advance Auto and the store employee told me
>> that I should have a vented battery.  She said that a vented battery
>> would exhaust the fumes outside the car.  If I had an Optima I might
>> exhaust any fumes inside the car - not good.
>> OK, OK, I know...it was a discount auto parts joint with a likely
>> less-than-pro clerk, but it did make me think.
>> Do I need an Optima? (I guess not since the stock S2 battery was vented
>> - the vent hose in still in the box I bought)
>> Do I even want an Optima?
>> TIA,
>> Dave Kase
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