[s-cars] '92 No Start & Fault Code 4411

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Mon Apr 2 12:48:59 EDT 2007

Hopefully there has been some local or off-list help to get you  
going, Casey.

I'm not sure I can be much help from here.  I would have thought you  
have the 2111 blink code when the engine was not running as well?  Maybe
that is only when using the VAG1551 or VAG-COM.

The Bentley says short to ground or open circuit, fuse 23 open, short  
circuit to
positive at harness connector or fuel injector.  I don't know where  
fuse 23 is,
maybe on the ECU connector ?  I only see 21 fuses on the side fuse  
If there, check the coil circuit breaker also.
None of the symptoms indicate no start condition, only rough running/ 
and CAT over-temp warning light ?? on.

The fault codes for the CPS should display if it is faulty.  It only  
takes 5 seconds
of the starter turning the engine to record faults.  I don't expect  
both POS units
failed at one time.  Two or three cylinders would fire with one  
completely out.

Other than the fuse, I would look at connecters and wires for the  
injectors.  You
can also pull one out of the rail to see if it works.  Have it spray  
in a jar rather
than perhaps start a fire.

After that, you're back to basic engine troubleshooting--plugs,  
coils, wiring, ground on back of valve cover especially, fuel  
delivery, etc.
At least you have lots of parts around to swap for suspects.  :-)


-----Original message-----
> Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 13:43:34 -0600
> From: "Casey Miller" <cmiller at kentwoodcc.com>
> Subject: [s-cars] '92 No Start & Fault Code 4411 ,	Any Other Ideas
> 	??...Please Help!
> To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Message-ID:
> <C6E0B69D4C59584CA156F5520BB66FB445B551 at kentwoodserver.kentwoodcompany 
> .local>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="US-ASCII"
> Hi All,
> It has been a while since I've posted...but it's very good to be back
> (although that usually means I have a problem).
> For the last month and a half my car has been using oil rather
> quickly...adding a quart+ per week of 15/50 Mobil 1 Synthetic.
> Anyway, it has been running great otherwise...until yesterday
> morning....
> I awoke to snow (car was in garage though...so I don't think  
> anything is
> due to water...it was 70+ degrees the day before...here in Denver).
> Anyway, went out and my car wouldn't start.  It tries, but won't turn
> over.  I just replaced the fuel pump about 5-6 mos. ago...so I  
> wouldn't
> think this would be the problem??
> I plugged in my jumper (paperclip) and read the codes.  4411 is all I
> got.
> I performed Scott's tests on sjmautotechnik...blinking the check  
> engine
> light and testing each injector by hitting the throttle and feeling  
> for
> 5 clicks per injector etc.  Then the "blue canister" and wastegate
> solenoid etc...as Scott describes in detail.  All tests seemed to
> produce positive results...his tests seemed to work just as described
> with my car.
> What else could it be?  CPS, I hope not the POS's again---dealt with
> this a couple of years ago.
> I can't start it to get any new codes...all I'm getting is the 4411
> (first injector).  Wouldn't my car at least start if the 1st injector
> was the problem?...It just tries and tries...but seems that there  
> is no
> spark...or a fuel delivery problem??  I need help...I need my car  
> soon!
> Thanks so much in advance for your help.  What other tests can I  
> perform
> to narrow this down?
> Please reply to my work email, as this is the one I'll be checking...
> cmiller at kentwoodcc.com (I'm a realtor with the Kentwood Company)
> Best,
> Casey Miller - Denver
> 6 Audi Family (2- '92 urs4's, 1 '95.5 urs6, 1-a8, 2- a6 avants)

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