[s-cars] Stock boost level

Mark Rivera mrivera at webcats.net
Tue Apr 17 14:44:28 EDT 2007

Thanks for clearing that up.  I guess you see a similar situation on the
chipped cars with stock turbos, huh?  I used to run one of those tiny K03's
on a custom setup on my Miata.  Great torque around town and autox, but
terrible at high rpms.  I actually killed the little thing after about 5K
miles trying to run 12psi all the time.  Wasn't great on my exh valves

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Vincent Frégeac [mailto:s.sikss at gmail.com]
  Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 14:34
  To: Mark Rivera
  Cc: S-Car-List
  Subject: Re: [s-cars] Stock boost level

  The drop of boost after 5500rpm is typical of our small turbo/large engine
stock configuration. Great low-end torque, but the turbo cannot handle the
task up to the redline. The other way is the RS2, which gives full boost at
redline but needs over 3000rpm to get alive.


  2007/4/17, Mark Rivera <mrivera at webcats.net>:
    I may have mentioned this before, but not only am I only showing 15psi,
    boost is dropping at higher rpms to a max of about 10psi.  Now, if my
    is in fact off a couple pounds, is it still normal for the boost to drop
    at around 5500rpm through redline?

    I'm also getting terrible mileage.  Mostly in town driving, short trips,
    I think 14.5 MPG for the last two tankfuls is a bit extreme.  I'm going
    replace the O2 sensor as a matter of course, whatever the problem misght
    Do you all pony up and buy the dealer part, or does a 3 wire universal
    sensor exist?  I've used universal replacements on 4 wire apps, but I
    seem to find a 3 wire anywhere...


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Robert Rossato [mailto: bob.rossato_af at cox.net]
    Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 22:12
    To: 'Mark Rivera'; 'S-Car-List'
    Subject: RE: [s-cars] Stock boost level

    Stock boost levels are around 17 psi, at least that's what I used to get
    and what seems to be the general consensus.  But before you go spending
    a lot of time chasing a small boost leak (or issue with waste gate, BPV,
    or WGFV), the first order of business is to verify the instrumentation.
    It's always possible that the gauge is off by a psi or two.  Swap it
    with another gauge, or if you know someone that can test it.


    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
    > [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Mark Rivera
    > Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 2:23 PM
    > To: S-Car-List
    > Subject: [s-cars] Stock boost level
    > Sorry, this has probably been hashed over many times, but I
    > think it was
    > Calvin over the weekend who said he thought my 15psi max
    > boost was low on my
    > unmodified '93 S4.  From the searching I'd done in the past,
    > I thought about
    > 15psi was about right.  Do I need to start looking for boost leaks???
    > Thanks,
    > Mark
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