[s-cars] dead pig (update)

Mark Strangways StrangConst at rogers.com
Tue Apr 17 18:04:09 EDT 2007

Well, pig as you will...
My Fool Pump left me looking like a fool at a light.
I raced said pimped Honda to location A, shopped as need at location A.
Came back to said Ur Pig and no start. not a fart to be had on Ur Pig.
Call CAA.....................................................
Have UrPig flat bedded to Mechanics shop, but decide to stop along the way 
*JUST* in case the fool gauge was FOOKED and said fuel quantity was 
lacking,. Filled up with Sunoco's finest 94... UrPig fires on flat bed...
Remove from fart bed , drive home.
Stall at light 1 (not 2 or 3 but 1) block from home. No go. not a fart.

Replace fool pump, never looked back.

It will fail, with out sign.
It will come back, with out sign.
It will FOOK you, with out sign.

Hope ya'll find this as humorous as I did (when it happened), well maybe 
more humorous.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Mahoney" <wmahoney at disk.com>
To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 12:26 PM
Subject: [s-cars] dead pig (update)

> Mlp ho’d
> “…PinkPig-2-big.jpg"
> Mikey,
> I'm car 54 not 23.  No pink shirts here either, or, wait let me check.
> Depends what you mean by pink.  Could be pink if left in the sun.
> But I digress.
> Stopped by the back in business today mechanic to visit the pig and check
> ecu fuse.
> All those fuses were okay.
> Car cranks okay.
> The mystery remains what would cause instantaneous engine cut out?
> I suppose the ecu coulda gone south.  Hope not.
> Fuel pump would presumably sputter a bit before quitting.
> Maybe total maf failure?
> Hoses seemingly are intact.
> Weird.
> Stay tuned.
> Bill~nappicracker, sic pig~M
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