[s-cars] "The Aluminum Crowd" / Current UrS prices

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Wed Apr 18 09:46:37 EDT 2007

Dave autofeared:

<<<Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2007 16:28:23 -0400
From: djdawson2 at aol.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] "The Aluminum Crowd" / Current UrS prices

Yeah... see I live (on weekends) in the mountains... hills, tight turns,
etc...  So what you're talking about would bother me.
Makes me want to investigate the tranny swap.  The same could be said
for the A6 4.2 car.  Awesome looking body with the enlarged fender
arches, but saddled with the slushbox/4.2 combo.
Anywho... why would I bother buying an Audi that doesn't turn into a

Gisli's observation is valid Dave - to a point.  As he said he's merely
a week into figuring his out yet. 

The tranny does "learn" (reference my previous "learn THIS!" comment heh
heh) your size 10 preferences.  And yes, learning what Tip will and
won't do and does and does not WANT to do, and how to integrate that
into a seamless effective experience takes more than a week.  Heck, I'm
just getting it down now 6 months into it.  

My only real beef, which I've worked around, is driving on the highway
in "D", and stabbing it for a pass - sometimes I want WOT in 5th without
the resultant downshift to 4th (or 3rd for that matter!).  Solution is
simple, when I know I'm going to "need that", I just click over to Tip
and it keeps it from happening.

Realistically, I never use the "D" mode anyway, 100% tip here.  If I had
a "Sport" shifter ('02/'03) I'd likely use "D" more cause THAT is a
wicked nice f'n program.  But I'd again likely do my click to tip trick
on highway to keep it from downshifting @ WOT in 5th.

ANYway, prolly more than you cared to know.  The shifter is a non-issue
for this stickjunkie - remember I'm junkie enough to commute to work
regularly in a TR3!  The Tip is actually refreshing at times believe it
or not.

But, I *dare ya* to get one and fab in a 6spd and share the data, I do -
muwhaahahahahahaa 8-).


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