[s-cars] Parts help-rear bushes for 200q (x post)

Mike Fitton rfitton at vt.edu
Wed Apr 18 16:18:26 EDT 2007

It's my understanding that these bushings are not currently, and 
possibly never were, available separately from the dealer.  A brand new 
crossmember comes with them preinstalled.  I've never priced it, but I'm 
sure it's several digits long.

If you can deal with a little harshness, get in touch with Jason Petek.  
He makes some aluminum replacements that are just gorgeous.  His contact 
info should be somewhere on www.addictmotorsport.com.  He might also 
make some in polyurethane for a slightly softer ride...can't remember.  
In any case, he is the only source I know of short of a whole new 


Beer, Jerald S. wrote:
> Hey guys, I am treating the old girl to entire new rear suspension
> pieces. "Only" last 202k miles!  The rear subframe bushes (4 that go in
> the rear cross member) seem to be hard to find. SJM says dealer only. My
> dealer doesn't have a part number. Anyone have either a part #, or a
> source? I have contacted Chris @ Force 5 for any used ones (prob just
> yank the rear X member if the bushes are good). Thanks.
> Regards,
> Jerry 
> 91 200tqa
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