[s-cars] "The Aluminum Crowd"/Tip vs. Manual Musings

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Thu Apr 19 09:47:12 EDT 2007

Keith at Gruppe-1 in Ohio (formerly the head wench at audiconnection) has  
done factory perfect installs of manual trans in the v8 cars, from tunnel mods  
to pedals to all the trim.  I saw pics of a 4.2 v8 he did this surgery to,  
and I doubt you could tell it from factory.  Anyone serious about this mod,  
should contact him, phenomenal work I never would do.
I've spent a lot of hours in tip cars, including the RS6.  At a  certain 
point, it's just easier to let sport mode be your guide.  Big  honking pigs don't 
feel connected to the tip IMO, and the delay audi has built  into them is a 
bit annoying, especially if you compare it to the BMW tips.  
I also doubt (ala 928) that a 6speed car is faster or 'better' than the  
autobox in terms of performance.  In my run around mid oh in a couple S8's,  I see 
no need for the 6speed.  After shifting for weeks in my urq, I get in  my 
wife's 3.6 91 v8, turn the knob to sport, and put my foot to the floor  knowing 
that with the chip in there, the thing goes to redline right up to  triple 
digits in every gear.  It doesn't ever make me pine for a 5 or 6  speed, it just 
allows you more time to spend keeping miss piggy on her heels  during the 
weight shifts...
My .02
Scott J

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