[s-cars] Boost leak - update, what am I missing here?

Mike Claire mike.claire at gmail.com
Sat Apr 21 18:42:37 EDT 2007

Yep - that definitely needs clarification...  short answer - yes I drove it,
and there was no change in operation at all.

I disconnected the silicone hose that runs from the WGVF to the wastegate by
backing off the hose clamp at the wastegate itself.  I pulled the hose off
the barb, and plugged the hose.  I left the WGFV still electrically plugged
into the ECU.

I expected boost to go crazy high.  Nope.  Just like before boost climbed to
to 16 or 17, and that's it.  It slowly backed off as I approached redline.
This test was the last straw - I didn't know where to go after this.  I
can't find a boost leak, and there's no overboost.  Why not?


On 4/21/07, Theodore Chen <tedebearp at yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- Mike Claire <mike.claire at gmail.com> wrote:
> > 4.  Removed silicone line from wastegate, plugged it shut (to test for
> > possibility of wastegate opening prematurely)  PASSED
> mike, can you clarify?
> when you disconnected the silicone hose that runs from the WGFV to the
> wastegate, you plugged the silicone hose so that the WGFV isn't leaking
> any air.
> what do you mean by "passed"?  did you take the car for a drive?
> how much boost did you get?
> -teddy
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