[s-cars] Worthy projects (was Alum..was UrS $)

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Mon Apr 23 11:15:41 EDT 2007

Keep it up Paulie!
Do know too, that my S2 Rally driver really wants to put an S40 rally car  
together.  I have contacted Haldex directly, and they can program that  goofy 
hydraulic thing to be whatever we want.  It can be done in any of  them now, and 
I hear the new saab will have this ability as well (thru Rod Haney  no 
less!).  The days of torsen haven't been ditched either, Toyota has put  a *locking* 
torsen in the center of the 4runner for a couple years.  A much  better 
approach IMO, than the wide TBR Stasis offers.
Don't let the NAC scare you off sire, sharing of the ride, in all those JNR  
(tm PK) terms, convey a sense of fun *and* a baseline understanding of  
performance that frankly, only masochistic flogs of Miss Piggy can  deliver.  
I enyoy great stories and of great rides Paulie.  Sharing them is what  it's 
all about IMO.  I thank you for your commitment in doing so, and  know from my 
'Top Ten' (tm - SJ), that writing them takes time and effort.   Worthy of 
read my friend, I hope you have started a trend.  Sticking around  for you?  Ok I 
lied, but I promise to read your next JNR column of  insanity!
In a message dated 4/23/2007 9:05:02 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
pkrasusky at ups.com writes:

Heh...  flattered Scott, I  am.  Lord knows I do strive to put the //S in 
//Silly!  Stuck around  to read junk from 'lil 'ole me???  FOOL!  8-)
Been a wild and wondrous ride  here these 5+ years of Listdom, certainly.  
While some may cringe at the  NACness to some of it, at the very least hopefully 
it's entertaining.   I'm good for something (? my wife might disagree?).  
Unfortunately most  of what I'm good at is, well, JNR.
Totally agreed with all points  you make below and made beforehand.  Reality 
is time marches on and cars  age and come and go.  I always found my 1+ UrS6 
sufficient for what it  was and unnecessary to go RS2 or beyond.  Last thing I 
needed was for it  to be "faster".  And then there comes a time to replace it. 
 Kid  seats and shiftless wife (was that out loud?) dictated my latest choice 
- a  car with a "real suspension" - I nearly pissed meself when you wrote 
that  about going from C4 to B5.  Totally!
I'm really intrigued by the S60R  idea as well.  And IPD and others make it 
tuner friendly.  Could be  potent.  No Torsen tho Scott???(!!!)  BWhahhaahaaaa 
- speaking  of...  Darin replied below to my earlier post today - nail / head! 
  Too funny:


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