[s-cars] Worthy projects (was Alum..was UrS $)

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Tue Apr 24 22:53:03 EDT 2007

Paulie has put more comparos here than I have, but without question, you  
can't ignore the S60R comparo, whatever you do with miss piggy in the  dark.  I 
don't disrespect you, or anyone else that chooses an S car for  enjoyment, it's 
a fine machine.  Please don't take my pokes personally, if  you do, like 
Pizzo, I will only poke you more.  I spoke directly to a  lister regarding Big Dog 
track cars....  I define those that make lap times  a horsepower equation.  I 
don't ignore passes or passing flags, the fact  is, there aren't many passing 
flags when miss piggy enters turns.  Think on  that a moment as you reflect 
on memorable rides with miss piggy on tracks.
Elijah, I can read youth into your posts.  I thoroughly enjoy  it.  Some of 
your more seasoned prosers (posers?) just might also take some  exception to 
quite nationalistic views to *a* ride, and might just look around  the world a 
bit to find many fine rides without barrier to marque.  Please  excuse us for 
enjoying them, and quite possibly more than the S on  occasion.  Comparing 
them, is just natural.
I also invite you to have fun, instead of defense.  Put a set of  vibrams on 
miss piggy and come to Steamboat next year.  What you might find  is, that in 
the world of chassis dynamics, fun, laughter and quattro, there is  more to 
the quattro experience than just having one.  Elijah, I've learned  to 
appreciate the stories, the pitzos, the hapersize, the garbage can, and the  brown turd 
race car.  Buying Stig Blomqvist a bud, getting drunk with  Buffum, giggling 
laughs with Pobst at the wheel of my perverted art, meeting  David E hisself 
while he signs my book, stuffing an LT1 into a quattro for  S&G.  Stuffing love 
notes into Haps side pocketes,
sliding sideways in the Pitzo evo, to chasing down Miss piggy's at  Steamboat 
with a 130hp 90q with Nate E.  What's quattro if you can't  share the fun?
The tone of your posts shows you don't get it, hence DD 'grasshopper'  
comment.  Enjoy miss piggy kind sir, just stop short of crowning her best  of show 
at all county fairs.  There's a lot of grand tails in the same pen,  let 
Paulie, myself and others enjoy them.  It's not personal.  Elijah,  tell a story, 
drive the S60R and try to do a serious comparo, whatever opens up  your 
horizons.  We'll all laugh with you, which is always better than the  alternative....
In a message dated 4/24/2007 7:49:03 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
Elijahallen92 writes:

 I guess I forgot that this thread is about a comparo of the S60R, sorry. I  
just get tired of these post that even though you don't know you do it, you  
disrespect those of us that like the urs  for what it is and for the fact that 
we can drive it as a daily driver and a  weekend track car and still have fun. 
Sure you can add up the $$ that we spend  making the car our own and say we 
should spend it on a lighter more track  worthy car but most on this list track 
MP  no more than 2 or 3 times a year and the rest of the time the car is a DD 
and a reliable one at that. I'm  not  sure if your just trying to enlighten 
us or if your just sick of steroid injected urs cars passing you (or trying to 
pass you with no acknowledgment) on the track. Anyway, I'm not  starting 
anything and I expect your usual Elijah this and Elijah that but  think about what 
you post and how over time you just contradict yourself over and over. Love 
ya, really do,


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