[s-cars] Your TT posting

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Tue Apr 24 23:07:20 EDT 2007

As I suggested to LL, you might try running different rubber front and  rear, 
that's legal.  The race stuff up front and something less sticky  rear.  Did 
this on the GLH turbo with great success.  I'd also  seriously consider a rear 
bar delete and give it a try.  When I do chassis  tuning, I use a ganalyst or 
a gtech pro meter and a IR temp guage.  Also,  make ALL the air going to the 
intercooler and radiator go thru it.  I have  an SAE paper that shows 
something like 30% improvement doing nothing else to the  radiator but sealing leaks.
I actually enjoy the stock rules myself, it really makes you pay attention  
to things you'd otherwise just dial the boost up to overcome.
Have you tried getting the haldex to just lock?  Remember that a  locked 
center has ideal brake force distribution and torque follows weight  distribution 
and turning radius both.
I think you have room to play, and be within the rules without resorting to  
50psi tire pressure.
In a message dated 4/24/2007 11:51:18 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
ccohen5 at compuserve.com writes:

You are  right of course, running these types of pressures is obscene but the 
T3 rules  allow no changes in suspension whatsoever other than shocks and 
this car was  designed to be a pig on the track.  So it puts a premium on driving 
skill  and I feel that tire pressures like this are so unusual because just 
because  no one races pigs deliberately so putting a premium on the ability to  
tweak.  The RX8 guys are enjoying the spin off technologies from the  Mazda 
pro drivers in the Grand Am and their cars keep getting faster.   AFAIK there 
is almost no one outside the UK that is racing the TT in 1.8 form  under rules 
that allow for a downflow of useful data like this.  I  consider DTM 
irrelevant to what I am doing.  There is one guy in the UK  who races a modified 1.8T 
TT but he can do a lot more than we can including  aerodynamics such as 
diffusers, coil overs, FMIC etc.  So these cars are  pigs and all the issues that all 
you S-Car guys have with too much weight  cannot easily be offset as
you can by more HP.  We have tweaked  the Haldex to give us a little more 
rear split and we run 17X7.5 in the rears  and 18X8 wheels upfront.  Our spec 
weight is 3340 which we struggled to  get to with the cage, cooling gear and the 
very heavy passenger seat.  We  are allowed free rein with the chip software 
but there are limits as to what  you can get from the stock turbo -I/C and 
though we often see 22 lbs or more  when cold, it quickly falls to 18 lbs (nominal 
boost) mid race.

We also  had cooling problems in all events last year. I asked about this on 
the  Audiworld site and had no response nor was there anything significant in 
the  archives.  So I either had to conclude that TT owners just do not drive  
their cars very hard being too cool for that - or there was something wrong  
coincidentally with both our 2003 cars.  We applied and got approval from  SCCA 
to change to the 3.2 radiator as it has a larger capacity and so far this  
year, no sign of overheating.  And I am talking about real hot, one  needle 
width from the H peg with the ECL flashing.

As others have  noticed, if a turbo goes as happened last year, you have to 
remove the front  RH suspension to take it out.  Not much you can do about that 
but having  done it twice, once for real and once to look, we have discovered 
some short  cuts that are not in the Bentley...and then there is the Bentley, 
which is  vague and also contradictory.  Their standard has definitely gone 
down  since the days of our large paper tomes.  It offers 2 different torque  
specs for the t/c mounting nuts and differs from the ETKA on whether the t/c  
has washers on its mounting bolts.

But its fun and the cool chicks dig  the TT much more than any of the other 
cars...but then again there is only  usually one cool chick at any SCCA race 
and she is married to  me!!


----- Original Message ----- 
From:  QSHIPQ at aol.com 
To: larrycleung at gmail.com ; ccohen5 at compuserve.com  
Cc: wenoland at pacbell.net ; s-car-list at audifans.com 
Sent:  Monday, April 23, 2007 8:45 PM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Your TT  posting

IME with autox, if you need to run more than 42 in  the front or rear, time 
to change something else.  On the TT I'd look at  camber settings before I'd 
exceed 42.  The biggest problem IMO, is you  lose a lot of the tire shape when 
you exceed 42psi.  50psi is a lot of  pressure for any DOT or non DOT rubber.

My .02



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