[s-cars] future of awd

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Wed Apr 25 08:54:08 EDT 2007

News to me, I can certainly discuss this with Haldex, or maybe Keith  Maddock 
can pipe in here.  
And/or Colin can pipe in here.  Taka, I know that our group A S2  had coolers 
for trans and rear diff.  I know even with coolers, torsens  break from heat, 
lockers break from heat, and VC will hump and fail from  heat.  Prodrive 
can't keep transmissions in the subarus in rally.
I suspect that since Haldex is raced, that a cooler would help  emensely.  I 
also appreciate the fact that Haldex has an overheat shutdown,  that 
protection is what the scoobies really need. 
In a message dated 4/25/2007 6:31:55 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
t44tqtro at gmail.com writes:

One thing- until the Haldex engineers install a cooling  system for the
Haldex, it's a liability at the track. The V70R forum is  full of people who
have tracked their cars and experienced Haldex  overheating and shutdown. The
car goes to FWD only when that happens,  without any real warning.

I would not track any car with Haldex for  that reason alone, until someone
figures out how to cool the system down so  that it does not overheat.

Note that this doesn't happen on the street,  but in the extreme environment
of track days and experienced drivers  pushing the car to its limits,
probably with R compound tires and race  pads. (most likely so, considering
the same guys heat their calipers to the  point that the grey paint becomes
burnt  orange)



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