[s-cars] Justyisms

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Wed Apr 25 13:52:39 EDT 2007

Scotty lived it up to da fullest:

<<<What you might find  is, that in 
the world of chassis dynamics, fun, laughter and quattro, there is  more
the quattro experience than just having one.  Elijah, I've learned  to 
appreciate the stories, the pitzos, the hapersize, the garbage can, and
the  brown turd 
race car.  Buying Stig Blomqvist a bud, getting drunk with  Buffum,
laughs with Pobst at the wheel of my perverted art, meeting  David E
while he signs my book, stuffing an LT1 into a quattro for  S&G.
Stuffing love 
notes into Haps side pocketes,
sliding sideways in the Pitzo evo, to chasing down Miss piggy's at
with a 130hp 90q with Nate E.  What's quattro if you can't  share the

Amen to all dat Scotty, amen.  Couldn't have summed "it all" up better
mesself.  Now...  if only I could find that magic equation to make a
buck out of all ^^^^"that"^^^^ to put some food on der table and some
interesting steeds in me garage.


Hasn't happened yet.  Dammit.  Despite me best efforts 8-).

Sure been a wiiiiiiiiiiiild ride (literally) a-tryin'!!!  I'll go down
swingin' I guess!

The rest of the Scottyisms sure do ring true.  I despise nothing more
than those ohso myopic that they cannot bring themselves to appreciate
"another marque" (not suggesting anyone here, just in general).  Find it
mostly in the Bimwad crowd, pisses me off, I avoid those dolts like the
plague and snicker audibly as I'm invariably having waaaaaaaaaay more
fun than they could hope to ever pretend.  Yeah.


As always I look forward with earnest to the next JNR opp.

-Paul loves cars / names be damned K.

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