[s-cars] Justyisms

Vincent Frégeac s.sikss at gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 20:03:40 EDT 2007

"Now...  if only I could find that magic equation to make a
buck out of all ^^^^"that"^^^^ to put some food on der table and some
interesting steeds in me garage."

Audi's only magic equations I've experienced, and I suspect I'm not the only
one, is those to _put_ more bucks in all "that" and remove some food on der
table for some interesting seeds in the garage. That's probably true with
other marque but, I don't know why, there's always less food on me table
when there's an Audi, or two, or three, in me "garage" :(

'96 S-Bitch just because it's worth any grain of rice absent of me table
'81 Fiat Spider 2000 just because there's still some grain of rice left

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