[s-cars] 2.5L setups

QSHIPQ at aol.com QSHIPQ at aol.com
Mon Apr 30 08:27:38 EDT 2007


No one that drove could forget, the LT1Q (LT1 into 016 trans 5000tq -type  44 
chassis) is still very much alive, it ran Steamboat this past Feb.
In a message dated 4/30/2007 6:14:35 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
mrivera at webcats.net writes:

Speaking  of something wierder, has anyone done an LS1/6/7 swap to  quattro
drivetrain?  Or, any other V8, for that matter...  I love  the AAN, but I'll
put a dollar on an LS1 being lighter, if nothing  else...


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