[s-cars] Valves or rings or both

Vincent Frégeac vfregeac at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 21:09:54 EDT 2007



After some part swapping, the S-Bitch finally gave her last word : The hot
start problem I’ve had for a few month is simply a way too low compression.
There’s apparently only 1 piston above 150 psi, the lowest one reading 70
psi dry, but I think the gauge is not that accurate! As I’ve been almost
only driving in heavy traffic during the last 12 month, it was hard to
notice the lack of power I could not use anyway. 


Remembering the numerous mechanical adventures I shared with the S-Bitch, I
think this may be related to a bad head rebuild 3 years ago.


When I tested the compression, wet and dry, the compression was 10-20 psi
better with oil in the cylinder which tends to say valves and cylinders
leaking. But I’ve read in a few places that a leaking cylinder ring will
burn oil and the S-Bitch burn less than a ¼ quart between oil changes. So,
can I expect just a head rebuild – may be worth it – or should I prepare for
a full rebuild – which will probably means the S-Bitch will be parted out





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