[s-cars] 92 S4 no-start, kinda, well for about 40 minutes

Mark Strangways StrangConst at rogers.com
Sun Dec 2 19:55:20 PST 2007

I'll second that.
Mine died exactly that way, cept... I put gas in whislt on the flat bed and 
it started.
So He dropped it and I drove it home, well... up until a block from home (a 
long block).

If you have not replaced it, do so. mine died at 240,000 KM or so.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "chris chambers" <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com>
To: <theringmeister at triad.rr.com>; <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2007 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] 92 S4 no-start, kinda, well for about 40 minutes

> OK, I'll guess:
> Has the fuel pump ever been replaced?
> Sounds like a failing pump to me.
> --- theringmeister at triad.rr.com wrote:
>> otherwise well-running, purely stock car. Half a tank of gas left.
>> 144K miles. Had been driven all day, spiritedly, with no signs of
>> illness. Parked it today while getting my boy's and my haircut, for
>> about 45 minutes. Came out, cranked, would start and run for about
>> 1-2 seconds, but rough, and then die. Feathering throttle didn't
>> help. Tried this about 10-15 times, same. Called AAA to get a tow,
>> and started waiting. About 40 minutes later I was getting impatient
>> and tried to start it again and like nothing, it started right up and
>> ran fine all the way home (about 10 miles, stop and go suburban
>> driving and then about a 4 mile run out into the country where I
>> live). Audi Gods just not liking me today?
>> Have not pulled codes but may try that on Monday with VAG-COM
>> (Cody???)
>> --
>> Wylie Bean
>> TheRingmeister at triad.rr.com
>> 90 cq
>> 91 90q20v sport
>> 92 UrS4
>> 01 allroad
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