[s-cars] My butt momentarily in a BMW

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 12:44:46 PST 2007

You know, you guys are pretty funny- of course an E92 335i is going to
handle better than an E39 M5- still a significant difference in weight, with
the E39 being nose-heavy as well as having recirc. ball steering as opposed
to rack and pinion in the E92.

Everyone is implementing AWD in several lines of cars, no surprise that
people are catching up to Audi.

I like the E34 in terms of 5 series- still feels pretty "light" driving, not
like the heavy-feeling E39.

930 definitely trumps all. I hate you.



On Dec 4, 2007 1:51 PM, <pkrasusky at ups.com> wrote:

> Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice Scotty NOICE!!!
> That's a pretty encouraging review, interesting to know - go figure.  I've
> not yet flogged either an E39 ///M5 (grrr, E28 and E34 and E60 but
> conspicuous absence of E39, only 540 6spd), nor a 335i.  Gonna hafta change
> that.  Guy at work got one and was supposed to when broken in, but he won't
> say boo to me since the red 930 'trumped' (I'm sure in his insecure mind)
> his red sedan.  I hate people.
> And GREAT point about BMW allowing some (non-AntiSeized) Loose (Torsen)
> Nuts behind the wheel, very unlike Audi.  Hmmmm.
> Tx for the JNR report!  Keep up the good work.
> -Paul
> ps.  are you "saving the date"???  5/17, that is - heh heh heh...
>  ------------------------------
> **

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