[s-cars] My butt momentarily in a BMW

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Tue Dec 4 13:32:23 PST 2007

Replies within, Captain JNR:


	From: QSHIPQ at aol.com [mailto:QSHIPQ at aol.com] 
	Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2007 4:21 PM
	To: t44tqtro at gmail.com; Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)
	Cc: tedebearp at yahoo.com; s-car-list at audifans.com
	Subject: Re: My butt momentarily in a BMW
	Again, you reference chassis and specifications Taka, I learned
long ago to take Paulie-type-JNR rides differently than track rides.   
	<<<hey!  I'm an Adverb / Adjective!  Sweet!  I like the useage,
	 I have no real clue or care as to what the BMW nomenclature is
(save an E30M3 having the goofy Pizzo wingy thingy),  
	<<<"goofy Pizzo wingy thingy" - bwhahahahahahaa - er, tho,
why...  does his Camry have one?  Oh, wait, yes I think it does.>>>
	 nor their comparative hardware specifications (Did I even use
"I-drive" other than in the obvious context of having the wheel?).  This
is all about taking my para-calibrated audi-turbo-butt dyno and going
after a machine with un-bridled owner restriction with extreme prejudice
to the assigned task.   
	<<<"...and going after a machine with un-bridled owner
restriction with extreme prejudice to the assigned task"...you sir are
in fact awesome.  Rock on, yes.  There is no other way.  JNR, of course.
Baloney would approve.>>>
	 After my test drive and comments, I predicted that the 01 M5
would be better at the track, eeking out that very high end advantage in
all aspects.  However, for daily non-coffee/non helmetted bobbleheading
on the street, the 335i (er, E92 to *you*) will do much better, and is
probably second to the 01 M5(er, the E39 M5) at the track
	As my old Navigator is a track rat with the BMW schools, he
confirmed my post street JNR assessments of both machines to the T. 
	<<<Scott, Scott, Scott...  shame on you, fool!  You *will not*
convince Taka otherwise.  Besides, remember... he'd rather drive his
Miata 8-)(!!!)>>> 
	Since he owns both, he wanted to hear my thoughts.  That push
button starter with no key is the coolest/only gizmo on that 335i I did
take notice of. 
	<<<Push button starters... don't get me going.  Sure they were
the schiznit for about a week - until - every f'n Kia and Camry and
Suzuki and Geo and Saturn and Chebby all f'n got them as well.  Played
out, over done, over used.  Shame.>>> 
	Didn't bet beer on this one ahead of time...  Thank god. 
	<<<mmmmm...  beeeeeeeeeeeeeer...

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