[s-cars] 1st Gear Whine/moan unrelated to engine

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Sun Dec 16 15:46:36 PST 2007

Put the front up on jackstands and check excess movement of front wheels
up and down and side to side and visually inspect the axles and CV joint
boots with someone turning the steering.  Rotating the wheels should
disclose a bad bearing.

If you still can't find the problem, run the car in first gear on a  
lift.   A bad
CV joint should be easy to pick up.  If your hitch is a suspension tower
upper bearing it may need weight on the wheel to find it.  Be sure to  
at the steering rack attachment points for any sheet metal cracks  
there or
other noise from the rack itself.


> Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2007 08:54:30 -0800
> From: "Rit Bellis" <rit_bellis at hotmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] 1st Gear Whine/moan unrelated to engine
> To: "chris chambers" <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com>,	"Paul Luevano"
> 	<paul at clarity.net>, <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Message-ID: <BAY126-DS3C64FF576268805F63DEAE2610 at phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";
> 	reply-type=original
> Hey friends: just developed a loud rumbling/moaning sound from  
> front of
> 93s4: gets louder as speed increases, push clutch in, no change in  
> volume,
> put in neutral, volume descends as speed decreases, stops at about  
> 20mph.
> Front tires aren't the best, but still have tread all the way  
> across.  When
> backing up and turning wheels to left/drivers side, there is a  
> weird hitch
> in right/passenger side wheel, like it momentarily sticks, then  
> breaks free
> (feels almost like an old detroit locker) What am I looking at?  Wheel
> Bearing?  CV Joint?  front diff? Thanks!

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